OK so Im driving along, and stop at lights, as ya

audi_s_ate, Jan 25, 3:55pm
The guy who hit you is liable.
Hindsight is a great thing, you should have called the police, he would have been charged with careless driving or something along those lines AND the police would have written out a report of the crash for you to take to your insurance.
You have insurance right!

audi_s_ate, Jan 25, 4:07pm
Ok great, pay the excess and get your car fixed. The insurance companies job, once he has been proved to be a fault is to get the money back from him for the work to fix your vehicle.
We had to go through small claims and are getting our excess back at $20 a week because of an uninsured driver.

Insurance company should give you all this information regarding what will happen next.

Sounds like you have done everything right so far except calling the police at the scene of the accident.

audi_s_ate, Jan 25, 4:08pm
I can understand your fustration, bring on compulsory 3rd party insurance!

d.snell, Jan 25, 4:10pm
Just claim on your own insurance and let them chase him up. Also, why do you need to fork out cash to claim on your insurance!

kevymtnz, Jan 25, 4:11pm
i would have not moved from the lights and then called cops told them that ya blocking a lane otherwise cops hardly ever show for a none injury minor

mcscottwgtn, Jan 25, 5:36pm
They crush uninsured cars in the UK now.
Seems like an easy way for our government to improve our roads as some drivers wont be able to afford insurance due to their shocking driving history. I am sure some richer drivers as shocking too. They will remain on our roads.

trouser, Jan 25, 6:22pm
Yeah, that would have helped.

ric7, Jan 25, 7:47pm
I used to work for tower and they have the same policy as every insurer on the excess, you have to pay the excess unless an admission of liability is obtained from the other party. NCB may not get reduced as per the wording above but that has nothing to do with the excess.

Earlier posts are quite correct, its not your problem now its upto the insurer to chase him which they will but if he is not playing ball then it will likely be some time before you see your excess back again, the insurer can't do anything heavy handed (like disputes) until the car is repaired and the bill paid so they can prove actual costs in court.

cocabowla, Jan 25, 8:53pm
just how big is the rear interior light to flatten the battery ! surely you can just remove the bulb from it in the meantime.

elect70, Jan 25, 9:01pm
If the guy has no $ or assetts then insurance co will drop it & you are stuck with the excess & loss of no claim bonus .Happened to me when dozy solo mum failed to stop at red lights , said she waslooking at the kid in the back . no $rented flat , car worth FA .

rob_man, Jan 25, 9:52pm
Some cars will eat the battery from the warning light on the dash being on overnight, all my years in panel shops taught me to go around and check all car doors before locking up at night.

weird_angel, Jan 25, 11:32pm
I work for an insurance company and what you just described, i would waive you excesses and reinstate your no claims bonus straight away,as long as the details of the other party you provided where the same as those on motocheck, its our job to chase the other party, not yours! Maybe not other inures but thats how we see it!

marcos1, Feb 6, 9:46am
At last some sense.cheers