First boyracer car to be crushed

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sifty, Dec 11, 9:08pm
To some extent I suppose, but the average Belmont taxi model was very basic and still is. I suppose value reflects rarity, but the only ones getting good prices are the premium models, or replicas of such. And don't forget that a 70's holden or ford compares very favourably regards equipment etc compared to a toyota of the same era.

I understand Datsun 1200's and the like, and factory rotaries have appeal but an appliance like my mum's old car just doesn't do it for me.

but to each their own, and all that.

hamishcookie, Dec 11, 9:09pm
When I was a lot younger went down to Taupo to watch a Hamilton motorcycle club vs another club meet and after the day had finished the president of the Hamilton club asked me and a couple of mates if we want to go out and have a ride around the track, yup keen as told to be careful went around the first corner onto the back straight and opened her up, realized that my tyres were stone cold so tried to scrub off as much speed as I couldand rode it into the gravel then back onto the track. Its all part of being young lol

scotthurst01, Dec 11, 9:09pm
Yes, not my taste of vehicle, but to those that are into them, they're invaluable.

surf_quiksilver, Dec 11, 9:26pm
I wonder if they will enforce this law on everyone or just young guys! Will we see middle aged men crying as their commodores get taken away to be crushed!

timmo1, Dec 11, 9:35pm
My bet is they won't which is why I opposed the law in the first place. Laws like these introduce an element of discrimination which makes them unfair (that is to say, they are unfair because the way in which they are applied are unfair/not consistent)

vtecintegra, Dec 11, 9:42pm
Well there are a lot of swapped ones sitting on here for high prices but that's what they tend to do - sit there not selling.

You're right though even the few standard ones that are left have fairly high asking prices.

richardmayes, Dec 11, 9:59pm
I remember when someone stole my Granddad's 1982 Corolla DX. Wouldn't have done many skids and burnouts in that one. 1200cc, 2-speed automatic.What a car!

(Mind you Granddad kept the DX for about 15 years, so it can't have been too much of a disappointment after his HQ Belmont. )

After the DX was stolen he bought his final car which was a Honda Concerto, that was a really good car for them so in a sense the thief did him a favour and he got to see out his driving days in a proper car that had a gearbox and a reasonable amount of fizz.

(My other granddad had a late Morris 1300, which was a real firm-riding, angry little rocket by comparison to the DX Corolla. S'pose those are harder to fit a rotary into though. )

mottly, Dec 12, 12:01am
but half of these little shytes would go and steal their car back.I'm all for crushing them.if it works in the long run.

ninja_man, Dec 12, 12:55am
if their car gets crushed whats to stop them buying another car after that! either way crushed or not they will most likely be behind the wheel of a car.

crzyhrse, Dec 12, 1:03am
I think you'd be surprised who the recidivist drink drivers actually are and what they drive.

crzyhrse, Dec 12, 1:05am
As I said in another thread on this very event.

"Anyone who crashes their car should have what's left of it crushed and their license suspended until they prove they're competent to drive again, well before anyone who just does a few skids that really harms nobody beyond a mere nuisance."

franc123, Dec 12, 1:09am
Hmm yes its across the spectrum, they don't all drive $500 clunkers.In fact the only difference is probably the MB/Lexus/BMW/HSV/Rangerover set have got decent lawyers as well as fancy booze on tap.

wrong2, Dec 12, 3:33am
doing skids is harmless

when its done in the right places

having your car siezed & crushed for something as minor as some skids is outrageous. outrageous in the sense you can drink drive multiple times & get your car back

pollies love their tipple aye

wrong2, Dec 12, 3:33am
then again modern yoof have brought this on themselves by not "doing it in the right places"

but still this is another massively hypocritical law. all its good for is allowing the old-at-heart to feel some glee at seeing another persons fun being squashed

horsepower7, Dec 12, 3:40am
i dont think this will stop him, the car sounds like a heap anyway so no biggy. some people cant save it for the burnout comps. i think there are more sereous things to worry about to be honest

yeahm8, Dec 12, 4:21am
Bout time they started on crushing cars, it's the only way it will sink into an offenders way of thinking, hopefully they will move on to drunk drivers cars soon.

wrong2, Dec 12, 4:31am


rob_rooster, Dec 12, 5:19am
Hopefully the first of many!
They should have crushed plenty before now!

ninja_man, Dec 12, 2:28pm

No harm in doing a skid in the middle of nowhere with no people around, yet drunk drivers can go around killing people and face lesser consequences.

demons, Dec 12, 6:45pm
its a joke . ive got a 82 holden ute that does a skid most times i leave my drive way.never been caught touch wood.even if it was to be crushed i would burn it to the groung before the poe poe ever got there hands on it.

elect70, Dec 12, 7:34pm
Copconfiscated a guys Porsche GT2in Wellington once , he made rears s squeel when turning art a busy intersection . His defence was it was better to get around it quickrather than slow & risk a prang . Judge would have none of it . Then there was John Rae in his new Merc , got it seized .In Uk they make no distinction, goes to crusher whatever the car .

crzyhrse, Dec 12, 7:41pm
You confuse impounded for 28-days with seized/confiscated.

crzyhrse, Dec 12, 7:43pm
I also don't believe the claim regarding the Porsche and merely squealing the tyres. The requirement for impound is 'sustained' loss of traction.

lordv81, Dec 12, 9:42pm
Isnt the term "sustained loss of traction" up to the officers discretion at the time.Same as excessive speed/exibition of speed ,you can be done for doing 40kmh in a 50 zone if the cop deems you took off from the lights too fast.Crazy laws that only pacify the majority and turn society into nannas.These laws will make no difference to the reckless as they do not have an idea of others safety or consequenses of thier actions.

therafter1, Dec 13, 12:16am
A complete waste of time are probably the best words to describe the crushing of this 'thing' as some sort of punishment. I'm sure the kid will be heart broken at the loss of his beloved Toyota !

This half witted law will be about as successful as the laws relating to recidivist disqualified drivers whereby their cars are impounded ! . they don't care about impoundment, the car is probably unlicensed, unwarrated, and has a value of approximately zip and was purchased specifically so that they could continue to drive knowing full well that the loss of the vehicle means nothing. They then simply go get another. So in the governments vain attempt to solve one problem they are actually creating another problem as many of these vehicles that they are presently driving are most probably in a dangerous condition !

Once the boy racer gets his second strike he simply sells his pride and joy, or changes the ownership, and then continues to drive like a galoot in some worthless piece of junk, endangering everyone else in the process.