Does anyone know - if I buy 14" mags for my car, what tyres do I need to match the circumference on it now, so the speedo doesn't go out! At the moment the stocks on it are 13" and got 165/70 tyres. Mags I'm looking at are 14x6jj
Feb 3, 4:46pm
Google tyre circumference calculator.
Feb 3, 5:03pm
Also. how would I know what tyres would fit the 6jj rims! Or would most fit!
Thank you for that, there seems to be many tyre calculators on Google. just still wondering about the 'JJ' bit. jasongroves link explains it a little. but said that mainly 4x4 vehicles have the JJ bit on then, and just the single J is the more common! How much does it matter!
Feb 4, 2:17am
j is the shape of the mounting seat of the rim.
Feb 4, 2:57am
13" wheels are usually 5" wide. 14" mags are always sold at 6" wide. The tyres you'll need for a plus one fitment are 195/60-14 which was a common size during the nineties but not so much now. 195's fit a 6" wide rim just fine.
I would also consider a plus two fitment, that is going from 13" to 15" wheels and 205/50-15 tyres. The grip will be far superior and the tyres won't be much more expensive than 14" performance tyres as it is a very common size these days.
Feb 4, 5:02am
Yeah, except it's a Demio and I don't want it to look ridiculous. According to the tyre calculator 185/55 R14 tyres would give me pretty much the same circumference as I have now, and they're only about $150 each, just at the one place I've priced up so far. The next closest is 175/60 R14.
Feb 4, 5:29am
why bother!
Feb 4, 6:03am
I read that 165/70-13 size wrong, 195/60-14 won't fit. The two sizes you mentioned are not common sizes so prices won't be competitive.
Mar 13, 10:03am
Yeah, that's true. Thanks for that! After looking around and pricing things up, it is only like $50-$100 difference between the 14" and 15".
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