Old school v8 help please

mopar63, Feb 5, 1:43am
bit of a tricky one here, I just put a 343 AMC v8 into my Javelin and it';s got a wee annoying low speed miss, it's fine at high revs and under load, ie it revs out fine in 1st and second, does a skid with out a problembut at idle it hunts aroundand quite annoying, have changed plugs,carb and dizzy even , ideas!leads !, the donk /I took out was a 390 and am using the same dizzy and leads ,coil etc, I must admit with a wee run it was better ( it has sat for a year or so) , just annoying

rob_man, Feb 5, 1:53am
Vacuum leak! butterfly shafts worn! carb gaskets dried out while sitting!
A bit messy but squirt oil around the key points on the carb with an oilcan and see if it changes anything.

petermcg, Feb 5, 2:16am
Yeah I would say have a good look at the carb and vacuum pipes, and make sure your timing is OK. It sounds like the Idle mixture adjustment but that sounds to easy.

rob_man, Mar 14, 2:56am
I'm picking the idle mixture is wrong because of a vacuum leak.