Nissan c33 laurel

escortmadman, Feb 8, 1:06am
im wanting to upgrade the brakes in laurel. currently it has the standard 1 pot calipers on the front. i was wondering what 2 pot calipers fitted to the factory mounting points. and if not, what do i need to do to fit bigger brakes without converting to 5 stud.

jasongroves, Feb 8, 1:13am
Have you upgraded the engine or swapped it!

escortmadman, Feb 8, 1:14am
its got a rb25det in it

jasongroves, Feb 8, 1:16am

escortmadman, Feb 8, 1:31am
not much help

falcon15, Feb 8, 1:31am
You can get gtst 4 pot calipers and disks then just redrill the disks to 4 stud then they will bolt up to your factory 4 stud hubs

escortmadman, Feb 8, 1:33am
is there any issues with clearances

jasongroves, Feb 8, 1:35am
What! Its says pretty much exactly what falcon15 says!
Did you actually read it!

escortmadman, Feb 8, 1:37am
yea, it also said they had clearace issues or is that just me miss reading it

falcon15, Feb 8, 1:37am
the only clearance issues you might have would be between the caliper and your rims depending what rims you have

jsbike, Mar 26, 4:55pm
as minimum you really need to run factory turbo r32 or r33 rims with the 4 the pots. Easiest I recon is re-drill the front 4 stud to 5 stud, convert the rear to 5 stud using r32 turbo hubs and then use factory turbo 16's or aftermarket rims. r33 4 pot fronts are bigger than r32 front 4 pots, rear 2 pots are exactly the same as each other.