ali.m, Jan 28, 3:20pm
Are they hard to do or pretty strait forward!

cypherboy, Jan 28, 4:16pm
Open the bonnet and look. If you dont know what you are doing then get someone who does.

ali.m, Jan 28, 4:26pm
listen buddy if your not going to help jog on. . . . . . theres always 1. . .

mugenb20b, Jan 28, 4:50pm
Very easy, but can take a bit of time. The first thing you need to do is remove the radiator and fan. Second thing, remove the drive belt and water pump. And, lastly, take the water pump to your parts supplier as there are 7 different types (pulley size and distance from the fan, viscous fan, etc, PITA) ranging from $190 to around $450. Good luck.

electro2000, Jan 28, 6:13pm
as above easy as , take your old pump in so you can make sure the pully spacingagainst the pump housing is right as well as the fan blade pcd.You will notice the viscous unit is part of the pumphence the price.

un bolt the rad two top mount bolts , unbolt the fan shroud and slip it forward over the blade, remove the trans cooler lines from the under sidedisconnect bottom rad house from motor(easier) remove top hose from motorpull rad out then unbolt pump you will note couple bolts are different lengths -pretty easy

frog73, Jan 28, 6:42pm
can be done without removing the radiator

mugenb20b, Nov 12, 1:14am
Yes, but for the sake of extra 10, 15 minutes, why not make your life easier! And, while the radiator is out, you can wash it, and reverse flush it.