The Valiant is a 71.Rego says may 1971. Question is do I have to wait until may to get the cheap rego or can I just get it now!
Feb 7, 2:08am
have to wait until may put it on hold
Feb 7, 2:16am
can relisence it as soon as it runs out. unsure if you pay it early if they give you a refund! mightr pay to give them a bell.
I predicted this happening and filled in a different form so my lisencing ran out on 1-1-2010 (for my 1970) so i didnt pay a cent more than i had to haha.
Feb 7, 2:39am
Contact an NZTA agent to be sure.A guy I work with has a VF Valiant that was 40yo last year, it needed relicensing in January of last year even though the cars first rego date was considerably later in 1970, he was granted the lower license rate even though it wasn't going to officially turn 40 for some months.Unless somehow there was a glitch in the system it would appear that the year/model its registered as overrides the actual date.
Feb 7, 3:03am
nah. its year of manufacture. well, mine was, but its been recently imported so maybe it goes to year of manufacture in that case.
Feb 7, 6:20am
its from 1st January of the 40th year, or from when ever the current license needs renewal in the 40th year. That how it worked in 2002 when mine was 40yrs old.
Feb 7, 1:47pm
Correct nzmax, it applies automatically from 1st Jan on the 40th year, you DON'T have to wait till the month of first registration as suggested by biker above. (just received letter for my '71, plus this is explained in the nzta site).
Feb 7, 2:20pm
Once a vehicle is 40 years or older it is no longer subject to Continuous Vehicle Licensing (CVL) and the licensing and registration fees are reduced.
A vehicle turns 40 years old on the first of January regardless of the month it was registered. For example, a 1960 vehicle would turn 40 years old on the first of January 2000.
Our system recognises the year a vehicle turns 40 and automatically adjusts any details as necessary (i.e. the licence fees are automatically amended to reflect the new fees).
Kind Regards
Senior Customer Service Representative NZ Transport Agency
Feb 7, 4:03pm
Thanks guys for your help. So its not subject to cvl so it wont dereg! Is that what that means.
Feb 7, 4:18pm
i think so.
i know for sure if you leave it un registered, you dont have to backpay it. unsure it it expires after some time!
Feb 7, 4:45pm
buggar, you should have changed the expiry date last licence to the 1-1-11. Only a month at the full whack though I suppose. Wonder how many people get caught out with that one, especially people that have licences expiring later in the year.
Feb 8, 1:25am
Cant wait till my van is 40 years old as it is a diesel, and I could do with the rego being a bit cheaper
Feb 8, 1:40am
by the time your van is 40 im sure vintage rego will be the same price as normal rego is today
Feb 8, 2:56am
And Ill be to old to spend the money I save.
Mar 27, 8:11am
Incidentally, for 12 months, costs are: Licence Fee - $19.50 ACC Levy - 69.46 so with some other small costs and GST added total is $111.92
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