I have a BMW

nixon222, Feb 8, 1:21am
Does any body know why my car could be overheating, the temperature gauge needle goes up high and then goes back down. The water in the Radiator is a dark brown color and is thick.

jasongroves, Feb 8, 1:23am
Could be a number of things.
Go see your local radiator specialist.

carkitter, Feb 8, 1:31am
The temperature going up then down means you have air in the cooling system. That could be a minor issue or a symptom of a major problem. The dark brown colour is rust obviously which is not good. You say it's thick, it might be oil mixed in with it, which leans towards the major problem mentioned above. Best get it checked out by a mechanic, at the very least there is some urgent maintenance needed.

fiatracer, Feb 8, 1:40am
BMWs are prone to coooling woes if the cooling system isn't kept well-maintained [he says as a 5 times BMW owner.]. This doesn't bode well

twink19, Feb 8, 1:43am
early BMW have had problems with the head cracking,could be any nu,ber of things

zirconium, Feb 8, 2:13am
Sounds like it's pooed itsself! :D

Couldn't resist.

elect70, Feb 8, 8:01pm
time for rebuild /head job .

nixon222, Feb 8, 8:55pm
It is oil in with the water bugger! So oviously a cracked head! any suggestions on getting it fixed and how much would this cost!

dvince, Feb 8, 9:33pm
Use chemweld and flog it off!
Jk :P
But seriously, it might be cheaper to find another engine, just make sure the cooling system is up to scratch.

motorway, Feb 8, 10:22pm

nixon222, Feb 8, 11:26pm
lol any1 want to buy a 735i bmw then lol cheap

rua69, Feb 8, 11:30pm
You didn't buy it from here, did you!

fordluva, Feb 9, 1:38am
Thats gold, if only they knew

bmwnz, Feb 9, 3:50pm
50K without servicing!
The man's an idiot!
Sorry, but he is.

elect70, Feb 9, 4:52pm
Take head off & take it to reconditioners to testif straight & hardness ,often just a skim & new gaskets & goodfor another 100 k . I had 1 that was warpedyet they managed to straighten it, cost to complete recon the head( inc valves )was $600 Wrecker wanted $500 for used 1 without awarranty .so could be just as bad . They did have a habit of headproblems if not maintained well .

richard198, Apr 1, 2:05am
You don't say what year it is but I'm assuming it's an E32! At any rate the V8 E32's and E38's have well documented problems with cooling fan/head gasket problems.
My advice would be; get rid of it! Trade it in on a E39, 5-series 3.0 litre 6 cylinder.