This guy owes me $1000.00 from my business, and I have the rego of his car but need to find his address.All his company details etc are addressed to his business premises.can I find out somehow with the car details.Have looked at carjam but not sure if they will have details of address.Any help would be appreciated - so frustating - have given to debt collection agency but they don't seem to keen to get off their bottoms and go to his business. Don't know what to do next.
Jan 28, 11:47pm
Get a proper debit collection agency. Shouldnt be up to you if you are paying them to do it.
Jan 28, 11:50pm
carjam it and buy owers report
Jan 29, 12:06am
Go to Post Shop, pay about $2 or so, get registered owners details. Walk to electoral roll in same Post Shop, find his name, then you have the address.
Jan 29, 12:16am
buy a cop a doughnut
Jan 29, 12:24am
All professional debt collectors I??
Jan 29, 1:19am
Doesnt work !
Jan 29, 2:11am
Yes, I know I can go to the shop and stand around waiting, he is very abusive (i have kept the text messages he sent to proove it,he uses the address of the shop as the company address so I have done all that.I know the debt collection lady said they do not go out and actively go chasing it.I will probably have to change.The reality is that for small businesses the law is definitely not strong enough,there is nothing to make a debtor pay if they decide not to.This guy is the worst I have ever come across - he gave me cheques that bounced, abused me by phone - unbelievable.I do not want to personally confront him - he could get violent.
Jan 29, 2:45am
had a situation were by i was getting mucked around by a big company and a cheque to the point parked on the road and waited till office lady opened up one morning walked in with my paper and lunch box explained wasnt leaving till i got my cheque.took 2 hours and me being my cheque.explained on way out things would get ramped up 10 fold should chq fail hahaha
Jan 29, 3:54am
thats a good way for getting things from a large business, but from what the OP has told us, its best to goto the courts,a nd take him down for the 1k and other money for him being a prick about the money
Jan 29, 12:51pm
This man doesn??
Jan 29, 2:28pm
Are you saying that the Disputes Tribunal would not work for this for me.That was going to be my next track.He signed a Credit Application Form and cost collection is involved.My beef is that legally it is very very difficult to get the money from these guys without spending lots of time and money (on debt collection).Anyone to set up a "heavies" company to stand over him!He is very little but thinks he is tough. You should see the texts (rude, abusive, etc - he's a nasty piece of work) but was charming and nice when we took on to deliver him with goods.He has already been to the employment court x 2 for not paying wages, and the disputes court with another supplier.He should not be in business!
if its his business that owes you money go to your lawyer and winde him up
Jan 30, 12:54am
Hey a VIR out of the system is best, Will show you owners address and also if he owes money on his car, and give you his finance co details, There may not be asecurity taken out on the car now so you could do that. Come see me and Ill get you one for $20
Jan 30, 2:17am
If you gain judgement against him in the Disputes Tribunal, you can then apply to the District Court for the Bailiff to recover the damages awarded. The Bailiff has wide powers to confiscate his assets to the value of the damages.
Jan 30, 2:28am
put a caveat on his car so he cannot sell it until he pays you
Jan 30, 2:39am
There are a few key points to this. Firstly, the fact he has presented one or more cheques to cover the debt voids any option he has to dispute the debt unless he has actually stopped the cheque. It sounds from the OP that there has simply not been enough funds to cover and the cheque has been dishonoured with either "present again" or ""refer to drawer".
Assuming that to be so I'd be talking to the police. As a one off they are probably not going to be interested however if there is more than one instance of this they are more likely to act. Relevant charges would be either false pretences or use of a document.
By the sound of this guys attitude it is more than likely you are not the only one he has shafted and as such you may very well not be alone in talking to the police.
Alternatively, file with the disputes tribunal. Whether or not he turns up to defend himself is irrelevant - his bounced cheque(s) will see the tribunal rule in your favour. At that point having the debt enforced becomes far easier.
Jan 30, 9:06pm
not a lot was a big car dealer that went under about a month later on the shore
Jan 31, 6:10am
phone call to your Lawyer then Courier him all the receipts, paper work. no use being on here getting all sorts of info that doesnt work
Jan 31, 6:52am
Checked the companies office! Often you will find they have other shareholdings or directorships that they have their home address on.
Feb 9, 3:34pm
Email us with the rego and we'll run a free report: [email protected]
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