Old car tubes needed for kids for a campsite raft

blackroseforge, Dec 21, 5:35pm
Hi people i need help to obtain some car, motorbike, small truck, large truckrubber inflatable tubesfor making a raft for kids as a exercise using rope, and old school scouting style camp craft. You know the sort of thing you build in 10 minutes with blanks etc on a camping trip for a campsite race. Grab a life jacket, kayak helmet, and water gun, zinc sunscreen a ???Rambo??? your self up.and Race it out, so help us out bring some smiles to kids faces please.
I state the obvious but anything to get kids to get away from the internet.I live out west and need enough for at least two rafts, so i figure anywhere between 12 to 20 tubes.or more, maybe consider it a clean up.
I dont mind doing some small puncture repairs .as far as cost goes free is best but would consider a donation if they where all in good nick.
Help us bring back the old school kiwi camp craft.
Any advice is welcome if its constructive or a direction to point me in to get some would be helpful.
Tubes needed early January.yes I have been looking for some out west but no luck so far.
ta Richie

blackroseforge, Jun 29, 11:17am
^ thanks David,i have sent him a email :)