Took my xr6 for a transmission service todayand was told that both my lower frontball joints need replacing, then and soon as i drove it out of the workshop ithas a shudder while turning at low speeds. Is this casued by faulty ball joints as i have never had it before today!
Feb 11, 12:27am
I believe the problem is related to a combination of ball joints and bushes, and yes, it does cause a shudder when turning at low speeds.
Feb 11, 12:47am
Thanks, just seems funny that its never shuddered untilli was told they need to be replaced. oh well.
Feb 11, 1:01am
Its unlikely that the workshop could create the shudder, it is more likely that the shudder was there all of the time but you hadn??
Feb 11, 1:14am
I better get it looked at quick then before they "think of more things wrong";) any idea on the cost!
Feb 11, 1:25am
Not off the top of my head no.
What I will suggest is that you take it to the nice people at Ford as they will be probably be familiar with the problem and what you pay in higher hourly rates will be compensated for by the fact that the person doing the job knows exactly what they are doing and will probably take less time to do it.
Feb 11, 1:27am
the steering system doesnt like being manually turned when its in the air, after a week or so of normal driving it will have gone away - common after a wof check
Feb 11, 1:32am
I have been using a ford dealer for the work that has been done in fact they are the ones who pointed it out ( as i didnt pick it up i couldnt ask a price) and they do a good job and i may even save money on labour, its the genuine parts that kill yah. Got quoted $449 for factory standard brake pads and thats not even fitted.thats crazy so i might try a look around frst. Thanks for your info.
Feb 11, 1:41am
The shudder will go away its from the vehicle being in the air, the air will self bleed from the steering over a night.
Feb 11, 1:46am
Yeah bad for that common fault on the BA, air getting in there, keep driving it, it goes away feels terrible though.
Feb 11, 1:56am
Thanks for that guys, the one we had recently was in for a wheel bearing and the steering had been manually turned while the vehicle was in the air. I hadn??
Feb 11, 1:56am
Read somewhere that you can take the power steering cap off so air can escape and with the car running(cap off) turn the wheels from left to right,right to left a few times,also can do the same thing in a car park,but there you drive slowly in an eight configuration.
Apr 6, 8:09am
The very same thing happened to mine a few weeks ago . Took it back to ford a they said air in the system will came right with some use and it did.
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