Xr6 trans cooler

casper35, Feb 12, 3:41am
Is it worth putting a external transmission cooler on my 2005 falcon.Does anyone know about how much they cost.

nz2293, Feb 12, 3:43am
good idea if you tow heavy loads

casper35, Feb 12, 1:06pm
I have just bought a 13ft caravan so will be towing that a far bit.

brokebloke1, Feb 12, 3:02pm
I maybewrong but dont they alreadyhave a external transmisson cooler, I have a mate who has a 2003 ba and went to Avon city ford to get one fitted they laugh and said he already had one fitted as from the factory.

casper35, Feb 12, 4:57pm
Yes you my be right brokebloke1 there is a pipe that goes across the front of the radiator but wasnt sure what it was.

clark20, Feb 12, 5:07pm
I think they add that when they put on the heavy duty towing pack at the dealership, so maybe all don't have them.

If you add another one just make sure the pipe work is big enough not to restrict flow.

lugee, Feb 12, 8:38pm
Thats usually part of the air conditioning system.

brokebloke1, Feb 12, 9:44pm
update just talked to my mate with the BAhe has got the heavy duty towing kit fitted to his transmisson,was fitted by previous owner ,
He said that the BF 2007-2008 have factory fitted external trans coolers.
Also said that everyone who has a 1999-2008 falcon should get their transmissioned serviced at approx 40000-50000 kms each time as water slowly leaks into the cooler as its mounted in the radiator.( he works at a ford dealership)

chris_051, Feb 13, 12:38am
You can pick up a decent sized one a BNT for about 130bux which comes with every thing you need, just get yourself a pipe cutter to cut the lines to the radiator (not a hacksaw). And it recommends running the cooler in series with the radiaor, I'd be avoiding this as your radiator could shit itself anytime leading to a few grands work of damage (has just happened to my Peugeot 406). My first AU had an external aftermarket cooler most of its life, as a taxi, and was on the original gearbox when sold at 470k which is very good going.

lookoutas, Feb 13, 12:58am
Not hard to spot if it has one. Will be a mini looking radiator about 9" x 9" x 1" thick, in front of the radiator/AC condenser somewhere. That single tube could also be a power steering cooler too.
But if it does need an aftermarket cooler, it sounds like it could be a good idea to eliminate the radiator cooling if they can contaminate the trans with water.

casper35, Feb 13, 1:45am
I will go and see the auto trans shop in town about getting one fitted. Cheers for all your help.

casper35, Feb 14, 10:55pm
Yes it is to.

im_andrew, Feb 14, 11:07pm
Leave the cooler pipe through the radiator, it will regulate the temp when there is no airflow over the external cooler. ( sitting in traffic)

casper35, Feb 15, 12:18am
Thats a good idea thanks im andrew.

chris_051, Feb 15, 11:21am
Thats what the fan is for. I'd be avoiding running it in series with the radiator as much as possible, seen coolant mix into g.box plenty of times. It will be ok if you've got a new radiator otherwise stick with the one external cooler. As I said my old AU was going strong on 470,000 of mostly wgtn cabbie work when I sold it without cooling line going thru the radiator.

casper35, Feb 15, 11:43am
Yes i went and priced a external one yesterday and its only $220.00 plus fitting so that would be the way to go .

ntalke, Apr 23, 9:10am
There is quite a extensive write upon this herehttp://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/in the Drive line/Transmissionsection
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