Yesterday I got pulled up in my skyline (as you do) he asks me why I think I've been pulled up, I told him I didn't know (which I didn't), he proceeds to tell me it is because my exhaust is to load. So I say 'OK then are you going to test it then' He says 'I don't need to test it, your exhaust is clearly not a factory one and therefore must be certified.' I say 'I bought it like this, I'll just pop the bonnet and check if it is certed' Him: 'It won't be under the bonnet the cert tag goes on top the exhaust' I chuckle slightly and say 'I've never seen an exhaust with a cert plate in my life are you sure' He says 'yes, I'm going to let you off this time but you need to get it sorted, have a nice day' So my question is do you need to cert a non-factory exhaust! Just thought I would add that my exhaust isn't too load as in it is well under a 100dB.
Jan 2, 5:38am
No you wont, unless its over 92 decibels i think.
Jan 2, 6:06am
dam cops always pick on skylines! im waiting for my turn lol
Jan 2, 11:01am
Yes the cop is right. I have not failed a wof yet on the new rules but if i do it has to go to a certifier for decible readings etc and they then put a tag on the tail pipe saying its ok. Not under the bonnet.
Jan 2, 3:34pm
^^ yea as above - you lucky you got a warning. the wof test is a subjective noise test, this means if the wof guy thinks it's too loud (above 92dB) then you got to quieten it down (to at least below 92dB) or get it tested. the max noise level with noise cert is 96dB
Jan 2, 5:04pm
yup, the cop is right about the exhaust cert.
Jan 2, 5:05pm
Depends on the age of the Skyline in question.
Jan 2, 5:11pm
That's right and if the cop had his hat on then he can't do nothing Also what sort of load are you carrying on your exhaust.
Jan 2, 6:07pm
OK then I'm going to sell it soon anyway it's a 1990 gtst with an 2.5" HKS exhaust straight though, not load just a nice rumble. He didn't even test it. So if the exhaust isn't factory itneeds a cert regardless of the decibel rating! Is that going to cost $400 odd just to cert the exhaust!
Jan 2, 6:32pm
Check sectionin the VIRM - covers both the different levels for different aged vehicles, and also the tail pipe labels mentioned above.
Jan 2, 8:11pm
fck .iam in the shit . i have put twin pipes on my skyline
Jan 2, 8:18pm
ok so my car was certed back in 2005 and hasnt changed.does that mean i have to now go and get ANOTHER cert! how much will that be! (better not be the $300 i paid last time)
Jan 2, 10:24pm
It only need a cert if a cop pulls you up and tickets you, or you can't get a WOF.
Mid engined cars also get another 4db on top of the 95 db allowable ^_^
Jan 2, 11:19pm
and just how do you know its under 100db! I would go to the testing station and just get it tested for free, then if its under no need to quiet it down, if its over do something aboult it before you get a pink sticker then you will have to get it certed and pay $100 for a new wof
Jan 2, 11:23pm
VTNZ dont have them well Pukekohe dont only 3 places i know of in Auckland can do it.
Jan 3, 12:24am
lol that sounds so arse about face.How is someone supposed to quieten it down to at least below 92dB if it doesn't get tested in the first (or second) place!
Jan 3, 1:32am
they will only fail a wof if its stupidly loud,had a bigbore on my libero for 5 years and never been failed or even talked about- because its not REALLY loud to be noticed at wof time. if an exhaust fails a wof for being over 96 decibels,it must be certed as under 92,if they dont fail you but say its too loud you can replace with a quieter one without cert. they basically told me if it is failed it must be quietened and be under 92
Jan 3, 1:41am
Where is this 92db level from!
(f) in the case of an MA, MB, MC, MD1, MD2, or NA-class production vehicle that was manufactured on or after 1 January 1985: (i) if first registered in New Zealand before 1 June 2008, 95 dBA; or (ii) if first registered in New Zealand on or after 1 June 2008, 90 dBA.
taken from the lvvta link above
Jan 3, 3:01pm
do more searching mate (i can't be bothered finding at the mo; but that was correct law as at nov '10). it's somewhere there around abouts 'subjective noise' search
also yes i think you are right about 95dB and 96dB - i got confused with aus
Jan 3, 3:05pm
oh lolololololol - yeah real funny mate!
my car went to vtnz - was too loud - went to exhaust cert place to test, 103dB - put more mufflers on (has 4 now) until reached 90dB - went back to vtnz - they said yip ok that sounds better - they kept a copy of the noise test from exhaust shop showing 90dB highest reading to cover their ass.
Jan 3, 6:20pm
Okay speaking from experiance i got green stickered for a exhaust that was too loud i then needed to get a exhaust cert to get the green sticker off. I did that by taking it to my local certifier, he then certs just the exhaust system itself for 95 db costing 165 incl easy i then got a new wof through vinz /vtnz
Aug 8, 12:58pm
go to mitre 10 mega buy a pack of stello for cleaning your pots and poke some up your exuast pipewill drop it heapsmine was 113 at 4500rpm andaftera few up there it came back to 88had to take a fewe out nad got it to 92sweet
but most testing stations dont have a certerfied testeras far as i know neil miller in hams does
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