I am trying to undo the brake lines from bias valve as it is leaking but the 10mm open spanner just wants to splay and round off heads of nuts, tried slotting the ring end on the spanner to slip over brake line then onto nut but still no joy, tried 4 different 10mm spanners all do the same is there a special tool to use!
Feb 20, 12:24am
Yes a quality brake spanner. If you??
Feb 20, 12:26am
yep its called a proper pipe spanner.Slotting an ordinary ring spanner doesn't work as mostly they are far too thin in the ring.Since it sounds like the union is now rounded off anyway I would use some flat jaw locking pliers on it, that will get it loose.Bit late now but here is an example of what they are355841345.In the case of very stubborn unions even those can lose grip too.
Feb 20, 12:29am
They are not rounded off yet didn't get to that as don't want to have to replace or take to someone else to fix my F#ckup! lol
Feb 20, 12:34am
Would these do the job!listing # 355841345 personally I have my doubts
Feb 20, 12:37am
With no brand I wouldn't go there. The importance of quality with some tools is way over rated, but for spanners cheap will only do exactly what you've described above.
Feb 20, 12:38am
You could try a 3/8 open ended spanner.3/8 is slighty smaller than 10mm sometimes it works sometimes it dosent.
Feb 20, 12:40am
tried and failed
Feb 20, 12:54am
best thing I have found is a set of crows feet. They have much more metal and there for dont splay out.
Feb 20, 1:35am
The tool you want called a 6 point split ring spanner. At this stage all I can recommend is using a pair of vice grips, carefully!
Feb 20, 1:36am
Ive tried many pipe spanners and had not a lot of sucess on the tight ones. But the crows feet always seem to do the job. If they fail me its out with the vice grips.
Feb 20, 1:49am
i always crack those things loose with vice grips and then use a ring spanner or my finger after that
May 8, 12:56pm
The proper spanner is called a flare nut spanner!
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