Loosing radiator fluid - condensation frm air vent

chocolate2004, Feb 21, 12:27am
Is there a mechanic in the house!My windscreen is fogging up and my radiator is loosing water, and not through a leak in the radiator. (No dripping on the ground).I'm hoping it's a leak in a hose .or could this happen if the water pump needs replacing! $$$ Should I try 'Stop Leak' in the radiator and hope for the best! I've checked the oil cap which is clean so don't think I've blown the head gasket. Can't afford taking her to a mechanic this month. 95 Mitsubishi Diamante.

im_andrew, Feb 21, 12:30am
Likely a leaking heater core. Dont use stop leak, it causes more problems than it solves. Bypass heater, or just dont use it.

chocolate2004, Feb 21, 12:38am
Thanks im_andrew, I don't use the heater/air con, at least I don't switch it on.I was told the air con is on it's way out. Hot air and moisture is coming through the vent without the air con being switched on so have I got double trouble here!Could a faulty air con be causing the problem!

intrade, Feb 21, 12:41am
you need to bypass the heater in the engine bay. replacing and check for moisture inside car where the core is. bypassing heater should be easy replacing heater core is expensive as labor intens on almost any car.

chocolate2004, Feb 21, 12:56am
Thanks for that, I'll google bypass the heater.I've checked for moisture on carpets, nothing.Just seems to be coming through the vents.

chocolate2004, Feb 21, 1:01am
On the fire wall on the passenger side there will be 2 hoses same size right beside each other. disconnect each of the hoses and then connect them together with a smaller diameter hose between the two of them.

Is this what you mean intrade!

im_andrew, Feb 21, 1:06am
Yes, that sounds correct

im_andrew, Feb 21, 1:12am
Just to clarify, by 'smaller diameter pipe' they mean a bit of steel or copper pipe slipped into each rubber hose and hoseclamped on. The two hoses you are looking for should be about 1 inch outside diameter and black rubber, normally held together with hose clamps. Dont touch the smaller pipes that are crimped together with aluminium fittings, these are the pipes to your air con evaporator.

intrade, Feb 21, 1:28am
as above . make sure the heater core is leaking should be a wierd sweet smell from antifreeze inside car now.

chocolate2004, Feb 21, 1:29am
Ok one more (possibly stupid) question,am I disconnecting the hoses from under the bonnet end or from the dash board side!

chocolate2004, Feb 21, 1:32am
Sorry, posted before reading.Yes I know the black pipes.Thanks for your help im_andrew and intrade.I'll take her in to get fixed next month but this is great as a temp fix.

1grasshopper, Feb 21, 1:47am
You could possibly fix it yourself.I did ours and all I had done before that was change the oil and filter.I got a quote for $1000 to fix ours, and it cost me $50 for the part from here.Its a bit of a mission tho, you need to take out the whole dash but once you done that its pretty simple (tip tho- don't forget to drain your water first or you end up with lots of antifreeze on your feet lol)

chocolate2004, May 11, 6:08am
I can take out the dash, what did you do to fix it!