Anyone know of a place selling v8 Airfilter

nzrys, Feb 17, 3:25am
adaptors for a 4 barrell carb on a 283 v8!

afer_daily, Feb 17, 3:06pm
try super cheap they have some strange and wonderful stuff . ive got one of their filters on aholley in my patrol with a 4 litre petrol donk. i think they have bases to fit most configuarations .

nzrys, Feb 17, 11:46pm
Yes tried them and they look at me blankly not know what the product even is.! I also tried Repco and they said that they are not made anymore ! which is total rubbish as that would mean that every 283 could not be fited with a carb! My wife found some on the net which we can get from the US. We are going to try BNT tomorrow. This is such a basic part, so why are New Zealand motor shop so hopeless! Its really fustrating.

alltorque350, Feb 18, 1:18pm
do you want an adaptor for the carb to manifold, or carb to air filter!

cuda.340, Feb 18, 1:46pm
BNT sell the Fram Airhogg range in a nice pretty orange. i have one on my car, does the trick & looks real trick too., Feb 18, 2:05pm
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pdc1, Feb 18, 5:03pm
Maybe it's just that the shops are just as confused as us!
Are you looking for an air filter element, air cleaner, air cleaner base, 2barrel to 4 barrel air cleaner adapter, an adapter to fit a 4 barrel carb to the 2 barrel manifold!
What about trying TradeMe and searching air cleaner under car parts!
Going by your later posting about fitting carb, I suspect you are trying to fit a four barrel carb to the original 2 barrel manifold. I would suggest to buy a 4 barrel manifold, or go see a really good engineer to see what he can do. No use putting a 4 barrel on a restrictive hole.

nzrys, Feb 20, 3:06pm
Carb to air filter. Its a Rochester 4 quad with a 4-1/8 opening to a filter with a 5-1/8th opening.

nzrys, Feb 20, 3:08pm
They couldnt help either.

nzrys, Feb 20, 3:10pm
Im after the adaptor to fit on top of the Rochester 4quad carb with a 4-1/8th diametert to then be able to take a 5-1/8 air filter base.

alltorque350, Feb 20, 10:50pm
Can you just get a small piece of sheet alloy and make a whole base!

nzrys, Feb 23, 4:04am
It needs to be about 3/4" high and I'm no engineer.

1fordluva, May 20, 7:03am
Just buy a carb,and be done with it,dont do the backyard engineer.
If segenins cant help you for anything aftermarket or v8,no one can.