Grinding wheel

jono2912, Feb 26, 10:18am
1991 Camry ZV

Wheel makes grinding noise when braking, but only at very slow speeds (under 20kmph)

Where do I start looking!

jono2912, Feb 26, 10:18am
Front left wheel.

afer_daily, Feb 26, 1:14pm
brake pads or shoes ! how long have you had it /how many Ks have you done!

stevo2, Feb 26, 1:26pm
Brake pads need replacing, since its been left so its now metal to metal, you may need the discs skimmed as well. Allow $400-$450 if getting it done by a workshop.
Cheers Stevo

lookoutas, Feb 26, 1:37pm
Could be a stone. Back up and see if it dislodges.

gtrnut, Feb 26, 5:51pm
yes sounds like front brake pads down to metal-if disc rotors have been scored they may not be machinable or they may go below minimum thickness once machined which will mean they will need to be replaced also-you can go aftermarket or genuine toyota disc rotors

johnf_456, May 30, 12:49pm
If your lucky it will just be the wear indicators if you change them in time. Find a mate or a friend of someone depending on the car will be way cheaper than a mechanic. I changed my neighbors ones he got brand new rotas and pads for 100 bucks on his familia.