Help. i have an audi a4 1999 1.8L stuck in safe mode. it will only go in 3rd gear. got it scanned, they say i need a new gearbox speed sensor BUT i just rang a euro mechanic and he said that wouldnt cause it to stay in 3rd gear/safe mode. any ideas! experiences! Thanks :)
Jan 9, 9:05pm
Not all scanners are made equal. I had a scan done and came up with an error which was only about half of what was actually wrong. Took it to an audi repair centre and they figured out the full fault. Could have saved myself 200 odd dollars just by going there. Take it to someone who deals with audis frequently and has the right equipment
Jan 9, 9:05pm
I'd go with the scan.but thats just me
Jan 9, 9:56pm
you would need somone with a vag specific scan-tool like (VCDS Ultra Professional Kit) . I would go and see automatic transmission rebuilder and ask them if they got the right tool alternatively you can buy your own tools and join a vag-forum. usually rostech is what is used on volkswagen.
Jan 9, 10:14pm
Contact jazz, these things never break down!
Jan 9, 10:42pm
How is that a helpful remark.! Clown.
Jan 9, 10:46pm
old faithfull- I would DEFINITELYtake the car to a REPUTABLE specialist mechanic. Emphasis on reputable. You may initially feel you pay too much but the car will be FIXED --not half fixed.
Jan 9, 11:39pm
Can't speak for audi but I know late model vectras will go into safe mode if the speed sensor is faulty. they have 2 speed sensors that are the same, you can swap them over to see if the fault follows the sensor (at least on a vectra)
Jan 9, 11:59pm
Disconnect the battery overnight, if that resets it and its ok for a while its not the sensor, but i would just pay 60 odd bucks and get a proper answer from the audi dealer. There is a heap of reasons to go into safe mode
Jan 10, 3:14am
I tried disconnecting the battery overnight but unfortunately no luck. Have been through forums etc but they say different things. i would take it to an audi dealer but i live in the wop-wops. Sh*tcakes!
Sep 3, 6:13am
but old faithful ---Theres a reputeable Audi repair place the lenth and breadth of the country and it will cost peanuts to fix (Sorry its an inhouse joke) But being seriousI stand behind my recomendation Im sorry (for you) to say. I guess I have to refer back to that old clint eastwood movie-"doya feel lucky PUNK-welll dooya!" The local guy could replace the speed sensor and all could be happiness filled again. -then again it could be an underlying fault that codes up on his machine as speed sensor
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