THEJAZZPIANOMA. I have an audi a4 1999 18l stuck in safe mode it will only go in 3rd gear got it scanned they say i need a new g

old_faithful27, Jan 10, 12:03am
i have an audi a4 1999 1.8L stuck in safe mode. it will only go in 3rd gear. got it scanned, they say i need a new gearbox speed sensor BUT i just rang a euro mechanic and he said that wouldnt cause it to stay in 3rd gear/safe mode. seeing as you deal euros would you please shed some light! :D

biddy6, Jan 10, 12:26am
He's on a MB holiday for a while

ryanm2, Jan 10, 12:29am
there are heaps of audi / vw forums - just google your situation and the answers will come flooding in like magic.

old_faithful27, Jan 10, 12:29am

rellerion, Sep 1, 10:18am
probably check the gear solenoids