hello. i am looking at buying a car that has what could be called a deep scratch in the windscreen runs from top to bottom but only 2/3s of he way down starts at top edge. is down the side of passengers side and does not obstruct drivers view. was told the windscreen was a plastic type or some thing! i have no idea what is meant by that but thought it may be worth mentioning,
will this still get a wof or will the wind screen need replacing!
Mar 1, 9:04pm
vehicle is uninsured and is out on a farm a 45ks away from the nearest testing station haha. might take a bit long for the test drive. getting desperate for vehicle now and this popped up. will be insured before it leaves property. as vehicle is for my son and he only has limited funds am just preparing for any extra costs for it to get a wof. as wof has just run out. cheers for the help guys
Mar 1, 9:11pm
Sit in the drivers SEAT Use the steering wheel center as a guide Take a measurement of 12" (300mm) with the center of the 12" at the steering wheel center.
From top to bottom of the windscreen . is there ANY damage in that area
Mar 1, 9:19pm
so12 inches to the left and to the right of steering wheel center should be clear of scratches from top to bottom! is this right!
Mar 1, 9:35pm
just cecked the vtnz site to see what they look for and all i could find was that the windscreen has to be safe. what deems it to be safe or unsafe! haha
Mar 1, 10:34pm
'Safe' means it has a compliance stamp or etching in it, and no chips, cracks or scratches in the CVA - which is 150mm either side of the centre of the steering wheel. There is also a guide for how big chips and cracks can be outside of the CVA, But I cant remember it.
Mar 1, 10:45pm
if the inspector considers the screen is structurally sound, has the standards marking and the scratch doesn't impair vision in any way most likely it will pass.
Mar 1, 11:02pm
cheers mate. was very helpful.
Mar 1, 11:04pm
Same thing different way to explain Great minds think a like huh ;-)
Jun 6, 5:14am
have tracked down a new wind screen for $135 and can fit it myself.
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