Car insurance -?

m3rry, Mar 7, 11:13pm
I have year 2001 BMW, I got quoted $30 cheaper with AA, but $100 more excess fee. I was looking for reviews on AA but could not get much infomation other than ppl advice to 'stay away from xxxxx'. I am currently with AMI, I had no accident for past 5 years but AA's 'Lifetime no claims bonus' seems quite attractive.

AMI offers freeBmax that allowes you to have up to 2 claims in 12 months
AA offers 'Lifetime no claims bonus' that you can claim as many as you like while the premium does not go up.

Your thoughts or experience would be appreciated. cheers

mr_lovebug, Mar 7, 11:31pm
Been with both AMI & AA,AA NOT good,AMI best.

AMI treats you like a person, where AA treats people like money bags & numbers.Take your pick (I'm NO number)!

pandai, Mar 7, 11:49pm
Stay with your current company.

msigg, Mar 8, 12:06am
Yea I was going to look at this also, the thing is that the Insurance company will get its money other ways( ie premiums later), it is a good marketing ploy, in the end everyone pays one way or the other.

girlracer2005, Mar 8, 12:10am
i lik iag not had one problem with them

lookoutas, Jun 29, 12:14pm
They're all a bunch of skin-flints. But here's a fact for you.
If you prang that car and do about 10K worth of damage, the ballpark labour content will be about 33% hence about $3300. IAG pay $46/hr, which means the tradesman who repairs your car is getting paid $10/hr less than he deserves. That means he is donating over $700 in missing income to repair your car, so you can have cheaper Insurance,