Car alarm. Car guru people of motoring i bring to you a challenge should ye accept you will be fight for pride of place for prot
Mar 12, 2:58pm
Which insurance you with AMI dont give discounts for alarms so best to go with gut feeling but it looks like you will have to pay extra to upgrade to gps, pager and break sensors.
Mar 12, 4:07pm
You need a 5 star alarm. (I reccommend AVS, but you wouldn't be able to install it yourself.) so Mongoose or the likes. And a GPS tracker and immobilizer. If you can hook the GPS out of reach, as it is basically your last line of defense, and tap it on to your fuel pump, ignition, etc.
Mar 12, 5:17pm
I used logic :) Thinking about it remote shutdown is silly if there is a well hidden immobiliser cause they won't be driving off, more useful in a fleet car or something. The gps bit helps if they trailer the car off using a tow truck so the mongoose does look better cause it had the glass break sensors.
And it has a 5 year warranty on the mongoose. My neighbours are less than trustworthy to be honest and when I come home with the beast I'm not having someone steal it. I'll look round for an AVS to gander at to then.
Mar 12, 6:00pm
Text call/pager alert is only useful if you have systems in place to respond to it.
Will you!
Mar 12, 6:36pm
I'm normally not far from my car and know where I park, just a way to respond to opportunists quickly. No one listens to alarms that just make noise which is why I want to mount a high dB siren IN the cabin to scream their lowlife ears out, try slidehammer an ignition barrel out with a siren pointing at your face. And the GPS upgrade on that mongoose was crazy priced. Costs less to get a 5 star and one of those cheap GPS units to mount elsewhere.
Glassbreak is obvious and GPS is nice cause I don't want it to land in a chop shop or sold off after being disarmed. I worked on this car hard especially after my mother died, it's MY piece of crap not some hoodies.
Mar 12, 6:52pm
That's a pretty big cost for GPS added to that alarm. Maybe get that alarm installed if you don't have one installed already & buy the GPS Tracker & get that fitted. And the GPS Tracker unit is about the size of 2 matchboxes so quite easy to hide out of sight. If you already have a car alarm installed, you should be able to get extra sirens added to it. my 2c anyways.
Mar 12, 7:04pm
I HAD an alarm but it messed up during the conversion when I replaced the motor after blowing the first one -_-
It never had glass break though and that unit in my dash is mighty appealing to hoodies. Hard to hide a big touchscreen.
Mar 13, 4:52pm
I used to install a variety of alarms; my favorite was Mongoose. I don't know about the value of the GPS though at $550! $770 all up! The gps tracker seems like good value though with a Mongoose; $370 allup! If your car gets stolen and you successfully track it, what do you do next! Call the Police!
Mar 13, 5:01pm
first off a car alarm wont stop no one from stealing it. the cops also wont care when you tell em it was stolen even if you could tell them who it stole they would not care. so there is only 1 alarm to install and its a hidden track and trace via gps and gsm, so you can locate it your selfand go and bash the crap out of who ever it stole. It took me 2 secoundsto disarm a mongose alarm of my fiat punto and i put the crap in the rubish bin .
Mar 13, 5:04pm
should have kept the alarm and ditched the car.
Mar 13, 6:23pm
Maybe but the alarm didn't have a cert plate that I ran in circles to get.
Jul 16, 11:49am
Ya I have a bid on a used one of those things. It's fairly cheap for something that offers good piece of mind a better chance of catching thieves red handed.
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