LED lights faulty help!

lusty9, Mar 15, 5:22pm
Hi all I just purchased a pair of H4 LED lights they have what appears to be little square shaped cards that light up. Anyway they light up when switched on then go out on high beam, are they suppose to be doing this! My car only has H4 bulbs for both high & low beam.

lusty9, Mar 15, 5:23pm
So I've resorted to the old pair.

lusty9, Mar 15, 5:28pm
Apparently they were the newest type out, but thanx for that just goes to show u can't trust some traders.

tmenz, Mar 15, 5:42pm
Are they like these ones!
Did you buy single filament replacement instead of dual filament!
If as you say, you have H4 lamps that serve as both low and high beam, then the LED replacements have to do the same.

clark20, Mar 16, 1:22am
A fool and his money etc

A H4 produces 1000lm on low beam and 1500 on high, LEDs are nowhere near this on those bulbs, lucky if it was 250.

Look how big of lamp you need to get 1000lm


richms, Jul 23, 6:46pm
I noticed the last lot I got didnt even have the offroad use only warning on them.
The LED retrofits are great for use in landscape lights that use the same bulbs. Would never put them on a car FFS.