Cops using cheap tyres?

johnf_456, Jun 27, 4:07am

richardmayes, Jun 27, 2:41pm
Shoot the dog.

No more problem.

peasgood, Jun 27, 3:35pm
Aye they shoot people for less than that.

nightboss, Jun 27, 4:01pm
You are next

peasgood, Jun 27, 4:07pm
Bet you a real tough guy.

tmenz, Jun 27, 4:08pm
They could charge the dog with aggravated rubbery!

pcguitarist, Jun 27, 4:15pm

tmenz, Jun 27, 4:24pm
Or maybe highway rubbery!
If they arrest the dog it will be a canine K9.

Did the tyres go 'pup' instead of 'pop'!

peasgood, Jun 27, 4:26pm
Perhaps theyusingTriangles,dog must have a hellvabite on it !

tmenz, Jun 27, 4:29pm
If they were Triangles perhaps the dog thought they were Toblerone!

flitt, Jun 27, 5:25pm
Oh come on, be fair!

Title really should be 'Cops & Animal Control using cheap tyres!'

elect70, Jun 27, 8:26pm
Silly cop the dog was just hungry should have fed him1 of his donuts orgrease burger .Owners should be reported for not feeding dogproper food as he obviously has a taste for rubber

pollymay, Jun 27, 8:29pm
They were trying to say the dog is not aggressive blah blah it's so nice blah blah. Bet they don't offer a cent for the damage though, they just want it given back and the chewed up tyres are someone elses problem.

triangle1, Jun 28, 3:55am
If you believe this yarn then you are simple. dog punctures 4 tyres on 4 separate vehicles! Ask yourself.

mingle417, Aug 6, 8:40am
bet ya firestone will be loving that dog right about now. cause of him, they can sell four tyres (or 4 retreads lol)