Will my rb20e ecu run my rb30e .NISSAN.

o0kyle0o, Jun 27, 4:09am
jus needa no if rb20e ecu will run my rb30e iv got rb30 ecu an looms from vl but r diffrent 2 skyline 1s so dnt really wona change them ova

fazda25, Jun 27, 4:19am
if you run rb20 inlet manifold, dizzy, injectors etc on rb30 then itl work with rb20 ecu, not the best way to do it but it will work

petemun, Jun 27, 5:44am
yea its a 'badhabit' to get into

andrea_w, Jun 27, 5:47am
Well, you certainly got my attention with that comment lol. Who are you!

[edit] never mind, I clicked. but how did you put 1 and 1 together with my rather odd user name on here!

petemun, Jun 27, 5:53am
heeheh cos eyes knows all. I'll let you think about it for awhile !

andrea_w, Aug 2, 2:01pm
Best I can think of is you're a stalker haha

Prove me wrong :p