HELP.. I39m searching for a few cheap sets of contact breakers points and condencers for a 1978 suzuki gs 1000would like about t

cyber_cat, Jun 23, 9:38pm
I'm searching for a few CHEAP sets of contact breakers (points) and condencers for a 1978 Suzuki GS 1000would like about three or four sets.
can get them from colemans for 75 each which is too dear.
I know i can go electronic but I wish to stay with points if possible.
Any links or details of places that have them would be great thanks.
Oh would prefer to stay local ie NZ
Cheers Gary

skin1235, Jun 23, 9:41pm
photo! mind you any set of points today is getting dearer, was a time you'd get a set of lv19 for $8, and the condensor was another $3

cyber_cat, Jun 23, 9:44pm
Sorry haven't got a photo but here is a link for some overseas they show a photo

toyboy3, Jun 24, 2:44am
just wave the credit card at that web site andget them posted over

cyber_cat, Jul 21, 10:58pm
Don't have a credit card