$650 annually to insure the car now. and to quote the insurance company "because of the Chch earthquake, all the insurance has gone up 20-50%".
Really!Did Cantabrians pay high premiums prior to the earthquake to cover the higher risk of car crime in AKL!Wow.
Jun 22, 7:24pm
Doesn't sound that far fetched.
Jun 22, 7:26pm
hahahaah im only paying 250 annually for my POS Triumph
Jun 22, 7:37pm
I used to pay $480. $650 is a bit of a jump.
Jun 22, 7:44pm
Get this:
My wife drives a small 1.8 car valued at $3000.
I drive a large V8 car valued at $5000.
My wife has never had a ticket or anything else ever.
I get tickets on a semi-regular basis because I am an insane recidivist speedster with no regard for the rules or for anyone else on the road.The insurance co. put my excess up high because of this.
Who's car costs more to insure!
My wifes, because she's a girl.Go figure.I queried the company and they said "Yep that's right, our research shows that women of her age have kids in the car.They get distracted and are having more crashes."
"But we don't have kids"
"Yeah, the computer doesn't have a field for that"
Jun 22, 8:36pm
yea mines about that price. thats without an increase. havent been told that im getting one. im under 25 though thats why. and car insured for $7000. 2L non turbbo
Jun 22, 8:58pm
i have changed broker, my insurance has gone down by $7000 a year yes seven thousand. shop around people
Jun 22, 10:46pm
I suggest you shop around insurance companies and get quotes.
Cheers CeeBee (Auto Tech 30 years)
Jun 22, 11:26pm
Stuffed if I know how some of these rates come about. I pay $418 a year on a $14000 agreed price and that was 2 months sgo. 2006 Elantra and I am retired. Also have my House and Contents with them.
Jun 22, 11:48pm
$650! thats pretty cheap actually. Much cheaper than mine at over $1300 per year. Had been quoted by westpac for over 2k!
Jun 22, 11:49pm
what insurance company do you use! im under 25 as well
Jun 22, 11:53pm
Cost very much depends on your age, type of car and where you live. Prices vary hugely.
Jun 22, 11:53pm
It's a rort.
Jun 23, 12:01am
$130 for 12 month 3rd party, fire & theft. 1990 Starlet. Got to an Insurance company's site fill in your and your cars details, then play around with saying you live in different parts of town and watch the price/quote go up and down.
Jun 23, 3:42pm
when i was 17 i was paying $800 a year for a civic 1.5 valued at $2000 when i upgraded to a bmw 750iL 5 liter v12 valued at $5000my insurance went down to $640 a year
just shows they are biased towards boy racer cars
also i went to insure a car recently and my normal company didnt want a bar of me as id had a crash since last getting insurance and im now high risk
I asked why i was particularly high risk as i hadnt even made a claim and being a responsible person i am paying back the other partys insurance company
they told me that bad and it looks better if i was avoiding paying them back as by taking responsibility for my actions i now have registered debt with an insurance company
so pro tip guys if you ever want insurance again after a crash be a societal dropkick and avoid all possible responsibility as this will please insurance companies
Jun 23, 4:45pm
It was the reason that pipped me off really.I could understand paying a higher premium in AKL for the higher risk of car crime, but when the reason is an earthquake that is in another island!Wow.
Yes, I think a ring around of insurance companies may be in order!
Jun 23, 6:39pm
Insurance companies are a business, people seem to forget this. They need to make a profit and pay back their shareholders. It's all about the money in the end, don't believe anything else. They will use any excuse in the book to reject a claim, raise excess/premiums etc. My father worked for a major Canadian company for 20 years and said they are about as cut throat as they come, hence why he quit.
As posted above, shop around most definitely. Quotes can vary massively. I saved 50% last year by switching companies, even though both knew I'd filed a claim within the past year that was my fault.
And yes, just like the government you will be paying out for either peoples misfortune. Everyones money is basically (this is very simplified) put into a pool and if anyone needs repairs etc. then money is taken from the pool. When the pool runs empty, the money has to come from somewhere, and that usually means higher excess and premiums! AMI seems hardest hit by the earthquakes, so wouldn't be surprised if they have much higher premiums than a few years before (they used to be the lowest in the country for quite awhile.).
Jun 23, 7:31pm
My car,home and content insurance is the same as last year.
Jul 19, 11:00am
I may be cynical but all insurance companies seem to have colluded together toramp up their premiums using Ch Ch quake as an excuse, yet friends in Oz said theirs hardly rose 10 % even with allthe floods they hadfar more costly than the quake& remember their esposure is only AFTER the first $100 g on home & $20g contents policy as EQC cover that .& the Govt is offering to buy the worst affect homesoutright .Have the EQC premiums increased that much , I note they dont show that portion on therenewal , funny that .
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