im taking my car off the road as its going to be a track car only,so wont be getting wof,and rego,it will be trailered, do i put the rego on hold or just let them both run out,some one mentioned putting it on hold so it can be sold later if need be,what to do!
Jun 22, 6:18pm
Yep put it on hold. Even a shell is worth more with reg' on hold rather than dead reg'.
Jun 22, 6:19pm
yep put on hold or dereg that way no unexspected bills
Jun 22, 6:34pm
never let it run out on its own they will chase you for unpaid/back rego, put it on hold is recommended otherwise hand the plates in/ de-rego it proper
Jun 22, 7:08pm
On hold, also if you try to register it again less than three months from hold it is backdated to when it expired. Over three it starts from the day you register it.
Jul 15, 11:04am
cheers guys.
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