Mecanical , minded people can you help xr6 BF

cindydog, Jun 16, 7:08pm
hello out there , i am having problems with my car , , not starting after a long trip
the battery has been checked , and so has the alternater ,
can you shed some light on this subject as it is p. me of, is it some thing simple ,

franc123, Jun 16, 7:25pm
Not starting or not cranking over!big difference as to what might be wrong.

motorway, Jun 16, 7:33pm
I can lend you a torch.

cindydog, Jun 16, 9:17pm
thanks motorway , ill keep you in mind
turn the key and itsa click it will not turn overhad it to the garage and they do not no what is wrong , they try to charge you more and more , charged the battery over night and it will go the next day , once it is cooled down ,

ginga4lyfe, Jun 16, 9:22pm
sounds like the starter motor is poked to me, or even a relay doesnt like the heat and wont work

elect70, Jun 16, 9:37pm
get the starter motor dismanteld & checked out,if the end bush is worn it can causearmature to contact thestator & draw huge current & flatten the battery , It did it on my old XD wagonwhen hot .

cindydog, Jun 17, 12:16am
thankyou ginga4lyfe, and elect70 will have that checked out with ford motors

v8_mopar, Jun 17, 12:27am
Starter solenoid will click if faulty when trying to start and the starter motor will not turn at all

Starter motor if faulty will normally still try and engage but wont turn the engine

crzyhrse, Jun 17, 1:00am
Take your business elsewhere if they haven't already suggested it is most likely worn brushes in the starter motor.

myjg33, Jun 17, 1:38am
does it do the same thing in N and P.lock out switch on shifter maby playing up.common in older falcons.

v8_mopar, Jun 17, 1:43am
If its the starter inhibitor the o/d wont work either

crzyhrse, Jun 17, 1:53am
You'll get NOTHING with an inhibitor faulty.

petermcg, Jun 17, 4:54am
What can happen with hot underhood temperatures is the all the wiring gets hot and provides more resistence resulting in the 12 volt power from you Ign switch start position rteduces to about 8 volts at the starter solenoid and there is not enough to drag the solenoid in. You can fix this by installing a relay. But then it still can be a fault in the starter.

serf407, Jun 17, 2:57pm
Did you take it to a Ford dealer, who put the car on the scanner and it showed no fault codes !

crzyhrse, Jun 17, 5:14pm
It's after a long trip that it won't start so I find that an unlikely scenario.

crzyhrse, Jun 17, 5:16pm
That'd probably be a total waste of time and money in finding a fault causing a starter to not crank.

cindydog, Jun 18, 12:16am
they only checked the battery that tehy put on the charge over night and the alternator ,
i think it could be a wire on the start motor getting to hot , !

cindydog, Jun 26, 8:03am
i think the problem could be what you are suggesting , will let you all know thanks a million