2001 mazda Familia squeak

toyboy3, May 9, 3:19pm
take one belt off and test,then the other belt untill the noise is gone

ct9a, May 9, 10:43pm
alternator bearing! a/c front bearing!

ct9a, May 9, 10:44pm
a mouse or rat!

ct9a, May 10, 1:30am
picking up on a seizing roller everynow and then perhaps ive had it in the past

mugenb20b, Jun 11, 12:30am
Water pump (bearing)!

andy61, Jun 11, 12:31am
Air conditioner compresser

mugenb20b, Jun 11, 1:02am
This suspense is killing me, come on Kaz, spill the beans.

johnf_456, Jun 11, 1:53am
Let us know

lugee, Jun 11, 8:30am
My car has a similar sound. I have a feeling it relates to humidity, which might explain the randomness. Mine sounds more like a tensioner bearing (god forbid not the timing tensioner) rather than a squeaking belt.

antwerp87, Jun 1, 3:08am
Theres the simple possibility of it being a dry belt. Go down to repco and buy a lube stick for 5 bucks start the car up and hold it on the ribbed side while the engine is running. Simple things first.