The gist is that while driving put foot down to accelerate and car shuddered before picking up. Hold light flashing and gets locked in top gear. I checked the fluid when she first arrived home and seemed low. Went to grab some ATF and rechecked (with engine running) and the level seemed okay. Any ideas. could it still be low on fluid?
Feb 5, 10:50pm
what color was the fluid in the trans
Feb 5, 10:53pm
Not if the level is between the marks with the trans hot and engine running it won't be. The fact the HOLD lamp is flashing means a fault code has been logged, get this read and take it from there. Speed sensors are a common fail point.
Jul 4, 8:42pm
Fluid is clean, not burnt at all. Red in colour. Might take it into Kaspa tomorrow if they can squeeze it in. Any recommendations for other auto trans services in Glenfield. Don't fancy driving it too far.
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