Ive got it sussed. Apparently all I need to be is a ummm eeeerrr, an original Kiwi, and by some act of 2003 I have free passage through out NZ without needing rego's warrents or any real safety standerds in place and the police can not hassle me. Excellent me thinks. I wonder if that applies to insurance as well. Gunna save me shit loads a year. Now the tricky part, Im just not seeing and original Kiwi in the mirror. Theres always a catch dam it.
Jun 10, 3:05am
He was a piece of.
Jun 10, 3:06am
Screw driver, Better than any key bro.
Jun 10, 3:07am
LOL yea theres another 1 every year on those shows.
Jun 10, 3:11am
Cool, I'll have a piece of that.Anything to save me reg and WOF for a year(or 5!).I just need to spend a bit more time out in the sun.
Jun 10, 3:12am
Good old police ten 7 on tonight's eps
Jun 10, 3:13am
are we talking original as in original now 1200yrs old ( tad stiff in the joints and does smell a bit on damp days) or descended from the said originals, cos there's about 3 or 4 left of those but they don't own cars or know how to drivebeing as they've been lost in the ureweras for the last 80 yrs course there is another group, descended from 5 generations of kiwis, sometimes 6 generations, some of them can even list the primes in those 5 or 6 generations which is a dam sight better than a lot of the so called original kiwis can who all think they're related to te kioti cos he was cool bro but only had 2 kids 3 generations ago
Jun 10, 5:25am
no wof for 5 years and he was still aloud to drive off.
Jun 10, 8:11pm
Yeah but look how much money he saved over 5 years .Only $400 for fines ( if he pays ).Now if that had been a boy racer his car would have been impounded .Cop was too scared to take it off him . Native rights !
Jun 11, 1:05am
I wonder if that was 'biker'!
Jun 11, 1:25am
stink i just paid for a new wof for my coon what a waste of $
Jun 11, 1:34am
I can't believe they didn't impound his car on the spot!
Hate to be on he road with him - how dangerous, the wheel mite fall off, anything could go wrong with no WOF checks in 5 years. So what happens when his vehicle malfunctions and he kills someone! Who's fault will it be then!
That is a f###n disgrace.
Jun 11, 1:53am
the only transition that fat slug should experience is the one from freedom to jail
May 31, 12:47pm
I wouldve thought they wouldve just got a tow truck to get it and they get someone to get him, whats stopping him from just driving it around again (I wouldnt be surprised if he still has it on the road with another set of fake number plates)
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