I was following a truck today and some sort of film has covered my windscreen.I washed it first with car wash then tried window cleaner, then a citrus cleaner, wiped it with a chamois but it is still there - any ideas to remove it please
Jun 9, 2:33am
It's on the inside.
Jun 9, 2:34am
Jun 9, 2:35am
Your turn.
Jun 9, 2:35am
Ha ha
Jun 9, 2:44am
Seriously, you shouldn't be using all that junk on the windscreen. Just a decent windscreen cleaner like Philm Off will degrease it. I never HAVE to wash my windscreen aside from the recommended washer fluid concentration (1:20) plus Rain-X in the reservoir and decent wiper blades and it's so clear it's unbelievable. I've never used a fluid of any kind inside - just a dry glass cloth. I can't stand a dirty windscreen and I've yet to see one clearer than mine.
Jun 9, 2:50am
Something was coming from the back of the truck - I tried the window washers first which have windscreen cleaner in- I have never had anything like this before - I will get some Philm Off tomorrow and try that - thank you
Jun 9, 3:11am
Try meths
Jun 9, 3:19am
That's what I was going to write too.
Jun 9, 3:20am
What type of wiper blades are the best!
Jun 9, 3:32am
The Bosch aero ones, TWL are having a special on them
Jun 9, 3:56am
if its on ya windscreen its not on ya paintwork too.
Jun 9, 4:01am
Paint thinners will get any film off the screen.Dont get it on the paint but.
Jun 9, 4:06am
Citrus cleaner on car lol.Way to accelerate the rusting process.
Jun 9, 4:17am
Also try your local Holden dealer. They will have (or can get) ACDelco wiper blades that are very very good quality. And priced good too, most priced way below $20 dollars each. And the replacement refill rubbers are the good ones - not the crappy plastic backed refills.
Jun 9, 4:29am
thanks everyone - Itried the diluted citrus cleaner on the windscreen only - there were marks on the bonnett too but they came off with the car wash - also on the headlight covers but I have most of that off - will try meths
Jun 9, 4:29am
The car is only 1 month old so wiper blades should be good
May 24, 6:50am
surely you dont need to ask that question!
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