just purchased a plate, wanting to know how to find out if there are any hidden fines on the plate! is there such thing!. i have brought off a person that had on his show car so he didnt have it registered to his name, he just brought it off the seller and didnt register it. so i have now brought it off him still, he still hasent registered to his name, so dose that mean i will need to contact the previous, previous owner! or what! i called the 0800plates and they said just get the plate put it on your vehicle and drive for a month then they will send me the registration forms, even then will the previous owner have to sign any papers of his behalf!
Jun 8, 12:41am
Jun 8, 12:48am
I believe that once it's been on your vehicle a month, then you just need to sign a statutory declaration in front of a JP to say they are yours, and P/Plates can then assign it to you in the database.
Physically take the plates into your local post office and they should be able to get them onto your vehicle.
Jun 8, 12:51am
where do i sign that statutory delclaration ! and what is the JP!
Jun 8, 1:01am
and also how do i find out if there are fines on this palte!
Jun 8, 1:15am
anyone know what that JP is! or that sign thing that bitsy is talking about
Jun 8, 1:24am
JP = Justice of the Peace Statutory Declaration, I expect that Personalised Plates will send you a form. Fines, don't stick to a plate, they are issued to a person, not a vehicle.
Jun 8, 1:34am
I've got P.Plates and you never get sent any official documents or change-of-ownership forms as such.All you get are the physical plates.As long as they are not registered on any other vehicle then you are good to transfer them to your vehicle.
Jun 8, 1:37am
This is from the letter they sent me with my plates:
Selling your plates / selling your vehicle with the plates: we suggest you complete a sale agreement, something like this typed or even hand written on a piece of paper will suffice. "I (your name) agree to sell my personalised plate '______" to (their name) on the (date)".Signed by both parties.
Jun 8, 2:44pm
thank you so much i thought the plates carries fines ! as someone told me! and thats good to hear that its jsut the plate itself because the previous owner didnt put in his name. i guess ill see how things go. Thanks
May 22, 11:04pm
No, it's the registered owner of the vehicle that any fines are linked to, not the plates.
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