Best run in method for 2011 2.4p mitsi LWB van?

rlr29, Jun 3, 5:54am
Long slow hauls for the first 5000k!

unclejake, Jun 3, 5:55am
Hell no. Those days are long gone. Just drive it, but don't labour it in a high gear at low revs

toxicgreen., Jun 3, 5:59am
Light throttle on and easy engine breaking as well,componants need to be gently loaded both ways an the 1st time it goes cold you shood no if you ment to re-torque head,. do 1st oil/filter change at 500ks

r15, Jun 3, 6:19am
this advise is more relevant if you have rebuilt it - being a 2011 model im going to assume its brand new

yogibearz, Jun 3, 12:58pm
Just drive it, and driving it hard wont cause a problem. No need to retorque head etc. First oil and filter is due at 10000km. If it needed it more frequently the manufacturer would say so. Have you read the service book!Spoken to the service department where you brought it !

phillip.weston, Jun 3, 5:45pm
basically load it up, vary the revs, but don't pull excessive revs - you want those rings to bed in well otherwise you're going to have oil burning issues. Generally the factory takes care of the first crucial stage of running in though.

rlr29, Jun 4, 6:22pm
Which is it people!

muzz67, Jun 5, 4:06am
just drive it as you intend to keep driving it. Too much 'running in' is worse for a modern engine than normal driving,, especially on a mitsi.

beast9, Jun 6, 3:23am
talk to the mitsi dealership they are your best bet for this infomation

franc123, Jun 6, 3:37am
Has everyone forgot the art of picking up the little book that the dealer put in the glovebox when you bought it and reading it!

muzz67, Jun 6, 4:28pm
Guys reading instuctions! Thats gotta be a Tui moment!

neo_psy, Jun 6, 5:27pm
Pfft, when they could come here and get 15 different opinions!

gunhand, Jun 6, 5:41pm
Well having had to run in a new hi po motorcycle they do have specific revs to keep under for certain KMs but that was only for 1500km then you pretty much road it as per normal without being stupid till about 3000km then you cando what you want. Plus the oil change and check.
And these instructions were in the prettylittle manual to.

sr2, Jun 6, 6:10pm
+1, UJ's making sense again.

2lo4ho, Jun 6, 6:19pm
just rev the shit out of it. redline, launches etc.

foxdonut, Jun 6, 7:42pm


antwerp87, Jun 6, 8:01pm
start thee car, grab a brick and put it on the accelerator until the car dies.

wrong2, Jun 6, 8:07pm
engines require hard driving to properly seal the rings

without being driven hard, rings will never properly wear the bores in - the end result is the enigne will never get normal max compression

gently driving for too long results in less HP than it should otherwise have standard

by the time its done 50 km's , you should start loading it harder & harder

wrong2, May 15, 8:54am
by 1,500 km's on a motorcycle engine you should be performing top speed runs with max throttle accelleration loads