V8 Rover backfiring?

hawkeye30, Jun 5, 5:10pm
Just got this as a paddock racer and have had one day of awesome fun but went out yest and it wouldnt start! Major backfire and exhaust now off LOL Seems to have wet spark plugs on one side. Our trouble is it has 2 carbs and we cant find any info on tuning them! Does anyone out there have any info that may help! It's a '83-84

flat_white_ltd, Jun 5, 5:33pm
( paddock racer ! .lol. those things don't like valve-bouncing
.i'm guessing carby's prolly aren't yer problem .)
.But .have you checked oil level in carby dash-pots !

hawkeye30, Jun 5, 5:41pm
Hmmm. The kids were loving it We thought we'd teach em to drive in it! How to avoid other cars/trees/motorbikes and the river LOL! Wants to turn over but yea with it backfiring it sounded like fuel mx to us. cant find a workshop manual 4 it!
We adapt vechiles for fun with racing seat belts etc good clean fun and scrap metal yard likes the remains!

hawkeye30, Jun 5, 5:56pm
ooo will check that! never having a rover b4 its hard to work on! Going to pick extra kids up soon so will check that soon and let u know 2night! the hilux/holden and the holden/hilux will be both out there 2day as well as the wee 4cly cars for target practice lol! And its wet and muddy! great fun

flat_white_ltd, Jun 5, 5:56pm
.weird forum to find it,in . but there's a fair description of basic SU balancing there
(.assuming yours is still running SU's . )

hawkeye30, Jun 5, 6:05pm
Awesome thanks when u google for info it takes half an hour to find what u need and it is too easy to get sidetracked! It's stock standard (well apart from the new grill and belts)! O and extra weight taken out!

pfemstn, May 11, 7:16pm
probably has stromberg cd carbsif so check diapraghms