Year I just brought my old bike back, cbx650p. its in a state but ill get it there, all in good time. parts a hard to get though.
May 28, 8:50am
1968 & 12 years old, bought a 50's 150cc twin port Jawa with savings from my lawn mowing round. Stripped it down for riding in the dirt and went out to chase my older mates on their 350 and 500 AJS's and Matchless's, much to my surprise I was quicker than quite a few of them! 1971 & 15 years old taking my ???new??? 58 T100 for a blast around the block under the old man??
May 28, 4:02pm
i have had a rg 400 suzuki sqaure four water cooled two stroke for 19 years an 81000k's an i still love rideing it when i can. an being a two stroke i get to talk to alot of people at the garges lol
May 28, 4:34pm
First was a dirty '86 GPZ400R when I was 15 or so. Only had 5 others since then.
May 28, 10:37pm
geex the Aprilia must be bad, I owned an 1100 as well years back and it was like riding a 6x1. My doc looked at it once and said, that seat will do harm in time lol My first bike was Honda XL100 painted the same blue and gold as the CB 750s.
May 28, 11:09pm
First bike was a Francis Barnet cruiser, villiers 9e with 3 gears, slow, slower and almost motionless, then a BSA D14B 175 4 speed. Then progressed into Jap stuff, started with a Kawasaki G3sss 90cc. Had a heap of different bikes thru the 70's and 80's, RD250's RD350's, GT380's, GT750, CB450, GL1000, H2B, TR500, TZ250's, heaps of different trail bikes also, most of the TS range, a new IT175 in 1979 ( the only brand new bike I have ever bought). Still own bikes,35 years later, got a GSXR750 and a K100RS in the shed that do not come out often enough.
May 29, 12:10am
My first bike was a honda cb125 twin, I have owned over 50 bikes in the last 30 years, currently own 6 yamahas '98 R1, '95 trx850, '85 fz750n, '87 fz750t, '04 fz6, '90/94 fzr400/600 and enough yamaha parts to build several other bikes, lol
May 29, 12:19am
First bike was a DT175 with a road kit on it, Latest is a 08 Z750 and it's very nice. Been quite a few in between
May 29, 12:34am
My first was a Honda CB92 Benly 125 twin, too! Then a BSA C15 but with 350 barrels instead of 250 - easy way to cheat on your learners and get a bigger bike! Then a Triumph 500 Daytona + a Stepthrough Honda 70 for going to work. Sold them both when I came to NZ.
May 29, 2:45am
First bike I wanted to buy was a Suzuki TS90(lol)dad said anything as long as under 100cc.Ended up with a 75 TS 185 around 1980,then sold it and got an XR200 1980 in 1982,swapped it(with blown head gasket)for an IT175 1979 around 1983,then got a TS185ER 1983 in 1986 or so,then that was sold.Wind on one ex wife and after 20yrs got a GSX750ES 1986 with 39000 gen km in 2005-6 kept it till Nov 2008 when got my latest GSF1250 2007 and still have it.
May 29, 6:45am
Norton Dominator 500cc bought it in 1972 for $80 , pushed it home cause I couldnt ride yet. My old man went nuts,I was only 15 .Soon learnt to ride, loved that bike.
May 29, 7:20am
I've had heaps of bikes over the last 41 years. I have just sold my Suzuki Bandit 1200, but still have a Ducati Hypermotard, KTM640 Adventure, KTM640 Enduro, KTM200 Enduro, Sherco 320, MV Augusta.My family, my kids and my brothers are all motorcyclists,it is a big part of my life. In the past I have owned, Suzuki T125 twin, TS 250, GT 750 x 2,AC 50,Yamaha DT250, Mach 3 500, Kawasaki A7 350 twin, H2 750, CB 750, Z650, GS 750, GSX1100, DR200, DR350, RMX250, KDX200, Fantic 212, MotoGuzzi 1200,Yamaha 600 Teneree, Suzuki DR650. I have raced, enduroed, moto crossed, ridden across the Simpson Desert in Australia, around Tasmania, around Pategonia to the bottom of the world, everywhere in NZ.
May 29, 8:54am
my first bike around 1984 was a honda xr 200 or was it a 250! in fact it might have been a honda xl 200, it must have been late 1970 model, had a loose and partly rust filled steel tank. what ever it was it didnt live long. dont own a bike now but every now and then i look at the class 6 on my license and think i must get another.
May 29, 5:19pm
As a kid i would ride anything i could get my hands on, at 14 i bought a Xr200a with everthing i had saved working after school.XR500a next then added an XL 250.Bought my Ducati darmah when i was 20 and thats coming up 25 years ago.Had a little kdx 200 for the dirt for awhile but now its just the Darmah and a 2003 Ducati supersport 1000ds.I realy do miss not having a dirt bike.
May 29, 6:04pm
My own 1st bike was a new YZ80J. first watercooled model. Crashed into the old mans tractor within 2wks of owning it & did some major damage (to the bike). Our farm bike at the time was a Suzuki TC125 which fell on me & burnt the sh*t out of my inner thigh. My 1st road bike was a Honda V45 Sabre; nice sounding V4, torquey but damn heavy. Next was a Suzuki GSXR1100H; an old girl that went well & was tidy. Traded that in '98 on a brandnew Yamaha YZF-R1. what a difference that was. Traded that at 16400km on a brandnew '99 TL1000R; which was the biggest let down of my life. a total pig compared to the R1. Traded that at 3000km on another new '99 R1. I then bought a Kawasaki GPZ400 for $400 off a mate who paid $4500 for it, dropped it & broke his leg so didnt want it. I caned that for a couple of months but it was just too slow so sold it to my cousin. Had a few other dirt bikes in the mix; CR250, KX500, YZ250.
May 29, 6:08pm
I had a87,GSX750ESD(blue silver) 16inch front wheel,loved it.
May 29, 6:19pm
My first bike was a 1954 Triumph Tiger Cub, probably a bit collectable now. It had a few issues, the major one was the nut that held the clutch plates together on the shaft and also tensioned the clutch springs kept undoing itself and the clutch would slip. No matter what I tried in my 16 yr old desperation it would happen after a couple of days, I even got a local engineer to give the nut a tack with his arc welder and it still did it. Since then, a Triumph 3TA when I was 18 and only dirt bikes after that. A TS90 and a geniune TM250 motocross bike are the most memorable.
May 30, 1:47am
bet you wish you still had the CB92 Benly worth over 25k now
May 30, 2:02am
my first bike was a cb50 still have it. had ats125,over 10 bucket racers ,4 zxr400, 1 zxr750 , vfr nc24, 3 60cc ducati's , 750 duc ,sv650 , cb100's ,250 benelli race bikeand lots more
May 30, 2:12am
My first bike was a MC22 CBR250, awesome bike, sometimes Iwish I still had it, more fun to punt thru the corners than the K2 gixxer thou I have now, just a bugger they struggled to do 170kmh on a good day. I'll never get sick of the GSXR1000s straight line speed but will probably end up with an 1198 this time next year. The best eye opener for me since getting into riding, high 'performance' cars are a waste of time lol.
i dont realy recall what it was some sort of old farm bike suzuki i think. But had a lot of bikes since then and now im selling the one i have now. Im gana hang the helmet up for a while and get back into to it latter on. Nothing beats getn out for a ride with ya mates or on your own
May 30, 2:36am
2/ cr125 1981 4 kr250 3 yz125's 3 bucket sidecars 3 rs125 gp bikes 1 zxr250 .just whats come to my head in the last hour lol
May 30, 2:38am
In !956 I got a 1954 Francis Barnett 10D 125cc super fast model. No way,flat out down hill about 40 mph. It is now lying in my brother and laws shed, been there for about 20 years.
May 30, 2:39am
my brother has one of them goes ok to
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