Could someone please steer me in the right direction for the torque settings for the head of a 2005 Ford Mondeo.A mate has gone to Aussie, and took his Mondeo with him.But he's found that since there are no imports in Aussie, that he can't find parts or any info on the car.I have sent him over a head gasket set and new head studs but he can't find any further details.Any help appreciated.Thanks.
Jun 1, 2:37am
Head gasket packaging should have torque settings in it / on it.
Jun 1, 2:42am
surely the Mark 3 Mondeo was sold locally in Australia!
Jun 1, 2:51am
there are many engines and sub models of mondeo, what version/engine does he have!
Jun 1, 2:56am
Does this person not have the internet! It should be a piece of cake for them to order parts from ebay and online retailers etc, it seems crazy to ship bits over from NZ.
Jun 1, 3:20am
If you have no additional information, why bother posting!
Jun 1, 4:35am
Try it is a UK web-site, good prices for new parts and quick service. He should get the appropriate Haynes manual, can be ordered from
Jun 1, 4:49am
To backup another member and if you are going to criticize why post here also. This sort of info can be found widely on the net, even if you don't have the net at home visit a public library etc. Nothing wrong with agreeing and backing someone up vs you coming into moan at someone.
So follow your own advice
Jun 1, 4:49am
HA! See what happened there!
Jun 1, 4:52am
I understood you John456, I think you were just too ground breaking using the fancy pants up arrow thing (which I can't even locate on my keyboard) in place of the usual "thumbs up" icon.
I think the others were only teasing each other though so don't take it personally.
Jun 1, 4:53am
Did you help conquer the west by any chance!
Jun 1, 4:54am
Shift + 6 is the shortcut and mudgen20b does that sort of stuff all the time.
Jun 1, 4:55am
Aha! There it is! I was beginning to wonder if it had been removed on my keyboard for fear of offending Vietnamese farmer minorities or something.
Jun 1, 4:56am
I would of thought the multipla would teach you creativity!
Jun 1, 4:56am
I have no additional information.
Jun 1, 4:59am
No more additional information.
Jun 1, 5:00am
Its all good, I think we all got a chuckle out of that lot. Have a great night guys, I am being given my marching orders.
Jun 1, 5:03am
obviously you havent read much from our resident drama queen johnf
Jun 1, 5:04am
What can we add we don??
Jun 1, 5:08am
what he said^^^
Jun 1, 5:21am
Thats fricken funny jazzman, thanks for the laugh
Jun 1, 7:01am
I'll see if that's the case when it turns up at his house tomorrow by post.Thanks.
Jun 1, 7:02am
I'll find that out and get back. Ta.
Jun 1, 7:03am
Thanks for your help.I'll have a look at that.
Apr 28, 8:52am
My friend told me he has searched the net but could not find any torque settings.Which is why I posted the thread asking the question.Thanks anyway.
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