BMW Overheating

sw20, May 25, 1:16am
Time to find a new mechanic if he just replaces stuff without actually finding out what the cause is.

franc123, May 25, 1:18am
The water pump should have been checked first.

dent, May 25, 1:25am
The first thing he should of done was a leak down test on the engine to check for a blowen head gasket. Always check the worst possible case and work your way back.

antwerp87, May 25, 1:31am
If you keep enough water in there you can check if the head is gone. there is no need to go and replace everything else first. thats crazy talk

andrewph, May 26, 4:50am
Yes they do crack heads. No2 cyl exhaust side of the head behind the exhaust valve into the water jacket. He may have had valid reasons for replacing the rad as they do crack the white resevoir tank on the side. this also can be caused by a blown head gasket and cracked head. normally the temp gauge neeedle sits in the middle of the gauge when warmed up. no higher, no lower. Yes as any car the thermostat fails to open too.

unclejake, May 26, 5:23am
I can't agree. A leakdown test take a fair while (and the customer is paying) and isn't a sure indicator of a BGH on a cold motor. A Teekay test would have been better, but I bet the radiator was obviously stuffed and the client didn't want to go 'spending a fortune'

johnf_456, May 26, 6:34am
Ditto above, take it some where else and do a tk test.

richard198, May 26, 4:43pm
I agree with taking a BMW to BMW mechanic. However, if the rad was obviously stuffed you've got to replace it but how about checking circulation with cap off if you're concerned about water pump!
OP hasn't mentioned if there is a leak/coolant loss or just overheating!

fiatracer, May 26, 4:55pm
BMW cooling systems have their weaknesses - in many of the engines the water pump impellers are plastic, and they fail, causing overheating [and subsequent damage]. Surely the pump and thermostat would be the FIRST place to look! Again, there really is something to be said for using a place that knows the cars.

321mat, May 26, 9:59pm
It does sound like a faulty thermostat.

If BMW's have the thermostat relief valve in the radiator cap (as many jap cars do), then I'd look there first.This is a common failure, caused simply by age and mileage.

unclejake, Apr 5, 10:47pm
Hey Bob, did you know that the BMWfirewall mounted plastic expansion tanks were designed by Gunter Hertzoff who was also responsible for the Klick-Klackrange of kitchen storage!