Heya I have a 1990 Nissan Terrano and need to update the RUC's when i brought it they were out and I know you buy them in lots of 10,000 at a time, someone told me it was around $50 per 10,000 but this sounds cheap
Can someone please tell me what is actually is so I can budget for it this coming pay on friday b4 heading down the line for a 3 day wknd!
Cheerz =)
May 18, 3:58pm
You b lookin over 400 for ten k worth:)
May 18, 4:12pm
The miniumum for 2 tons is $50.00 a thousand. Trucks go by weight , number of axles and wheels a A bit complicated - wheels versus weight Can't find my RUC book, so can't help with charges but br prepaired for the worst
May 18, 4:12pm
$187 for 4000kms
Ring the RUC licensing department/ tell them your rego & they will tell you what the full details are regarding weight & cost for YOUR perticuler vehicle 0800 655 644
As the latest registered owner for that vehicle, YOU will have to update ANY & ALL outstanding RUC fees
Best get it done TODAY . if you get caught, the fine is 3 times whatever is outstanding PLUS the new ruc's to get you ahead . Eg: 4000kms overdue plus another 4000kms to put you ahead = $748
May 18, 4:12pm
the minimum you can buy is 1000km, you can buy many blocks of 1000 as you like what it costs depends on the class of vehicle (in your case class 1) and the weight you plan to run. (usually 2 or 3t). price per 1000km 2t $44.31 price per 1000km 3t $46.51 you also pay $5 for every license no matter if it 1000km or 100000km (administration fee) http://www.nzta.govt.nz/resources/road-user-charges/docs/road-user-charges.pdf
May 18, 4:15pm
Domestic & commercial have different rates Commercial can also get good discounts through company sticker printers contracts.
May 18, 4:24pm
Then im screwed-i brought it with outstaning fees and the guy i brought it off is a complete ass-he said the cars gearbox was reconditioned and will pass wof etc-i had to get $700 worth of tyres and pay $2000 ($1000 im paying out of this months paycheck) for a freaking new gearbox-Truck has only cost me more and more money but cant sell it now.so u cant pay a bit off u have to pay it all in one go!
Theres no way I have $800 spare lying around ! Freaking damn deisels i tell ya !
May 18, 4:31pm
ive got a mate who has a whole terrano, with a new wof and rego, and valid ruc, which runs just fine that you can have for $2500
May 18, 4:36pm
Get the outstanding paid FIRST . then worry about getting the forward rucs done. How many km's over is it!
May 18, 4:41pm
17500 Which is $780 i think roughly.all gud R15 -this one already now has a new gearbox tyres and just been wrapped in vinyl.to much money already spent on it to sell it-i love the truck just not the kms total.have sorted it will just pay in full and then work from there onwards to keep it up to date =) It sat in a workshop for a month and forgot about the kms
May 18, 6:42pm
There is no difference between commercial and private on RUC.
May 18, 7:43pm
Correction . The PER KM fee is the same, correct The TOTAL fee paid, wrong
The ADMIN fee changes depending on HOW you buy the KMs , so yes there CAN be a reasonable difference, altho it only really effects the big distance boys the most.
This is part of the reason theres so much confusion about the costs with ppl qouting KM costs only withoutadmin fees.
Same shite happens with rego/licence fees between commercial & private/domestic vehicles.
May 18, 7:51pm
I understand that if you can prove that your Not the person that "overran' the kay's and that you've only just brought the vehicle then you can pickup the RUC payments from where/when you brought the vehicle.
Perhaps a phone call to you nearest CVIU base might help!
May 18, 7:55pm
no. although they will be happy to pop over and write you up a ticket if you give a name and address. the ruc's belong to the vehicle and current owner no matter who ran them up, no chance the government cofferswill miss out even if the innocent have to pay.
May 18, 7:56pm
its $5 per license no matter where you get it
May 23, 12:49am
Despite grumpy gus's belief's :-P I phoned the local CVIU guy (from work) and asked him. (Turned out to be quite an approachable sort of chap!)
He tells me that it's the Sellers responsibility to ensure that the RUC's are paid up when the vehicle is sold. This is covered in the Road User Charges Act 1977.
You'll have to go back to the seller and request them to update the RUC's.
If he says no your probably stuck but could try small claims if it's a huge dollar amount.
There is also a transaction fee when you buy each licence, regardless of the distance you purchase. The fee is based on how you pay. Counter sale through a RUC agent or purchased online at transact.nzta.govt.nz: $9.78 per licence Phone or fax: $7.13 per licence RUC card at BP shops and truckstops: $5.18 per licence Direct connects (for fleet vehicles only): $3.45 per licence
(All road user charges include GST.) " *************
Mar 24, 10:50am
For the record, a Terrano isn't a truck, more like a city slickers 4x4. And there is no RUCs if you get creative with the speedo.
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