very few 4x4 versions, mainly GT-T's.Caldinas are only the JDM version of the ST191 Coronas that were sold here.
May 9, 12:18am
carib is what you myght think they come in more 4x4s
May 9, 12:24am
cheers, thanks for that.
May 9, 6:08am
Went to a dealer advertising a 4wd Caldina. Had a badge on it saying 4wd. I look under the back axle and guess what! No drive shafts! As i walked off the dealers car lot I could hear him making lame excuses!
May 9, 6:11am
if possible steer clear of the 4wd ones. 4wd doesnt do much good to the transmission.
May 9, 7:28am
the huge amount of high km GTT caldina 4wd's would tend to indicate they are fairly durable
May 9, 3:46pm
try pricing a secomnd hand trans, or pricing a rebuild, even better try doing a trans swap and see if you can do it in a day. my shout if you can do it. auto trans guys in timaru said they are notorious for turning to custard on the 4wd. 2wd fine. did they come out in manual!
May 9, 7:03pm
Caldinas must have only started life about 93 I would have thought!There are a lot of 4WD versions.Most of the manual ones in any guise are 4WD including all the GT-T's and the GT's.Many of the next version down the G are also 4WD that I have seen.If Toyota made more 2WD ones then I would say that the importers favour the 4WDs cos there are a lot over here.
May 9, 7:41pm
Never heard of a Caldina's gearbox packing it in unless its being abused.
Your point is moot, since they very very rarely break who cares if it costs moonbeams!
May 9, 10:40pm
The later ones 1998 on are ST210 bodies in the same family as the Corona Premio's.
May 9, 10:41pm
Manual ones were available.
May 9, 11:17pm
usually its only the gtt caldinas that are 4wd majourity of caldinas like the gt and the g are front wheel drive
May 9, 11:19pm
May 9, 11:21pm
The GTs were all almost 4wd, as were a large proportion of the Gs.Just do a quick search and see if you can find more than a couple of 2wd GTs, I'd be surprised.
May 9, 11:37pm
Show me a 2WD GT!I have never seen one. not a genuine GT with a Beams GE in it.I'd love one if I could find one but as far as I know Toyota never made them in 2WD.I've owned one before and are waiting to get another one oncesellers realise that they aren't worth 7k.
May 10, 12:02am
I stand corrected. though I am skeptical if that blue one is 2WD. Its amazing how little people know about their own cars and even more so what some dealers advertise in print!
May 10, 12:05am
Caldina sellers are dreamers, i bought my GTT for 5600 about 3 years ago, and sold it for that a year later, but some people want huge amounts of money for their, its nuts.
May 10, 12:09am
^^ I wouldn't say that's just Caldina owners, I would say that's just about all Toyota owners. Pay a premium for a car because it's 'reliable' despite having nothing else going for it.
May 10, 12:13am
The $1 reserves have been hitting between $4k and $4.8k over the last couple of months but have either been too far away or a little rough round the edges.I'm in no hurry anyway, the s#itbox is still going strong.Well they might wake up one day.When that happens I will buy one :D
May 10, 1:33am
That one listed is 4wd contrary to the sellers knowledge. The 2wd GT's have a ST210 chassis number. The one listed has a ST215 chassis number.
May 10, 2:18am
Haha!Did NZ even get any of the 2WD ones!
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