Nissan vannette missing/backfiring

andrew194, May 6, 6:46pm
why would my van miss and backfire when you drive around, if you take your foot off the escerator it will miss and backfire and underload it and it looses power and struggles to go up a hill its a 150cc carburator petrol any ideas! thanks in advance

therafter1, May 6, 7:36pm
What do you expect from a van with a 150cc engine lol.

But seriously, there is a list of possibilities and the chances that anyone is going to pluck the correct possibility out of their jacksey on a motoring MB like this are remote.

intrade, May 6, 8:35pm
well it could be your ignition system depending on how old it is and if it has contact points in the distributor or if it is fully electronic ignition.
that is one reason another would be burned valve another possibile cause could be the carburettor but then it normally would run rough always. same as for burned valve. so i would start with the ignition and timing advance mechanism as that is what changes when you have full throttle and eas off fully old vaccume type that is.

skin1235, May 6, 11:27pm
single ignition or double!
or was the twin ignition only on the 2ltr!

andrew194, May 6, 11:50pm
lol 1500cc its a 1994 and it does have points in the distributor

desmodave, May 7, 1:16am
Could have inhailed a dreadlock or two.Popular with hippies being a van

skin1235, May 7, 1:48am
ah but does it have two sets of points in the dizzy, and does it have two coils, and two sets of plugs. cos some of them back then did have twin sets

andrew194, May 8, 4:34am
hey there no its a single set .

morrisman1, May 8, 4:36am
1500cc carby, sounds like an a15 until he said 1994. I've never heard of the ga15ds being used in a van. Points in the dizzy is another clue its an a15.

snoopy221, Jan 27, 7:07pm
mm reading between the lines 150 cc misses off load has points-has crap condensor or loose earth on condensor-send one fiddy to (whogivesafark at smiley face dot com).