Mark 1 cortina diff head needed

steinway2, Apr 29, 1:21pm
can smeone point me in the right direction for finding one of these pleasereally only need crown wheel an pinion thanks

unclejake, Apr 29, 6:28pm
Muzz, you should be a detective.

Steinway, Escort, Anglia or Mk2 Cortina crownwheel and pinions will fit too. They came in four or five different ratios so be certain about what you want

muzz67, Apr 30, 12:44am
Nah, just lookin for the same thing.

steinway2, Apr 30, 5:28am
thanks guys this info really helps. i think i under estimated the price alittle.Arethe prices on the threads above about right for an unknown condition diff head. i honestly wouldnt know what they would be worth. look forward to you guys feed back. cheers

unclejake, Apr 30, 5:35am
I used to sell the bare diff heads for $40 in a 3.9:1 and up to $300 for a 4.4:1. A 3.5:1 is probably $350

unclejake, Apr 30, 5:44am
I still have a number of diff heads BTW and my wife needs to go to Ekatahuna next week. What ratio do you need!

steinway2, Apr 30, 7:34am
hi there i need a 3.5:1 , how much!

unclejake, Apr 30, 4:55pm
I am not certain what ratios I have left, but I definitely don't have any 3.5:1s.

Sorry and good luck. I think they came out in Mk2 Escort Sport

unclejake, Apr 30, 6:16pm
^ The New Zealand 1500cc sedans were all 3.9 AFAIK. The believe the wagons were 4.125 or sometimes 4.444 and Mk2 Cortinas were 4.125. I got a 4.5:1 out of a 100E once and I have heard of a 4.7:1 - but that may have been a competition only cw/p.

We used to race them with 4.125 or 4.444 but a 3.9 is a nice enough street ratio if you still have a standardish motor

muzz67, May 1, 4:08am
Jake, wouldn't mind a 3.9 if you have one. username at actrix.

saki, May 1, 4:33am
Good luck finding a 3.5.

unclejake, May 1, 5:26am
I can't really take a look in the shed until Wednesday, but if there is one left I will get in touch.I think I threw the 3.9s away and only kept the low ratio ones (sorry)

saki, Dec 31, 1:02pm
I only have 4.1:1 left