hey was wondering if anyone knows how i can remove my rear door panels to install new speakers, thanks
Apr 20, 1:46am
Have you tried and your stumped somewhere or have you never removed a door panel before!
Apr 20, 1:48am
no well my partner is very good with cars and installed my amp and sub etc but he cant figure out how to get to the back speakers, hes put in soo many stereo systems but has never delt with a u.s wagon and i cant find anything on google, i have taken off panels before with clips and screws etc but there are none on my car well there must be somewhere just cant see them
Apr 20, 1:53am
Cant speak for the US wagon but most are similer. There should be a srew in door pocket/handle and in the grab itself. Probably just pull plugs but could a srew somwhere around the edge of door trim. And of course the winder or if electric there maybe screws under there as well. What area is he stuck at! There are some very well concealed covers that look like they dont remove as well in some cars.
Apr 20, 2:05am
we got the screw in the door pocket but got stuck from there, nothing under the door trim, we thought maybe the cover over the speaker just popped off but seemed like we needed too much force, might just take it in to an auto electrician for some advice, thought id ask here 1st coz someone always seems to know something that someone needs to know
Nov 20, 12:03am
have you got the ones out of the handle, useually 2 large ones, is there a electric window switch in the door! bit hard when I cant see it LOL but somone will come along who ha done one. But most a very simalier in the way they come off.
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