on average how many km's do you have left before the tank is empty!
Apr 9, 1:43am
Apr 9, 1:46am
my camery 60k plus but haven't tried past that
Apr 9, 1:47am
Depends.Our Hondas have maybe 15L of petrol left and the BMW 6-7L.
Apr 9, 1:47am
I found it varied between cars.I used to count on 50ks, in my successive Beamers.No more!Petrol light= fill soonest!
Apr 9, 1:56am
One of the guys at work reckons he gets 120km out of the corrola with the light on, but I figure if its on then get fuel at the next avaliable opportunity
Apr 9, 1:58am
It means youve got enough to last till pay day. If it runs out before then, it means the lamp is defective and you need to take it to a mechanic to get it fixed.
Apr 9, 1:58am
my ford says 80k
Apr 9, 2:04am
Depends on the car most do 10 and some even do 15 litres, according to the manual itis 11L for 2wd and 10 for 4wd models. So 120 is definitely possible most I do is about 60 or 80 km with the light once it comes solid on. Always had plenty left when I go to fill at the pump. But I generally fill it before hand anyway.
Apr 9, 2:08am
With the Pug when the light comes on the trip computer generally reckons i've got about 60km left
Apr 9, 2:39am
VS Commodore.go to petrol station,go directly to petrol station,do not pass go,do not pick up anyone!
Apr 9, 2:41am
did 100kms with fuel light on in a corolla. then filled up and it took 46 litres right to the brim. it says its a 50litre tank in the manual.
Apr 9, 3:19am
dunno how many Ks but its a good time to convince the missus she needs the wagon for tomorrow. nah, the coon starts singing me songs at with 80 to go
Apr 9, 3:53am
Did the Napier-Taupo road with it on in my corolla. The ol' sphincter was starting to tighten by the time i reached taupo, though.
Apr 9, 4:15am
VZ Holden.no light. Just warning alarm. Counts down the k's pretty farkin quick if I am really broke.lol
Apr 9, 4:18am
75kms is when the light comes on in my VT commy, goes down to 0 and then a bit more. still havent run it out yet
Apr 9, 4:22am
110kms in the Mini and about 80 in the diesel - from memory according to the computers BUT, it totally depends whether you are in traffic, stuck at traffic lights, on the motorways or having to tackle a steep hill!
Apr 9, 4:26am
I ran out the other night. The light was broken and the car I'd just bought and I didn't know if the gauge was broken or super empty. I'd just fixed the transmission on the car and decided to drive it home with my car trailer on and fill up in the morning. All the way home I felt a slight flutter which was probably air in the system but I thought it might be the transmission playing up again.
Get to the top of the last hill before home and it cut out. Coasted down the hill and almost home and pushed it the last 100 metres with a tandem trailer on. Didn't quite get 30km's out of it lol
Apr 9, 4:28am
Got 35k's out of me tractor.thought it wasn't bad for a bike.
Apr 9, 4:30am
Had an old XF Falcon Ute that had been mucked about with quite a bit by lots of people, including me. Non original most things including fuel tank and guage/sender etc. Found out the hard way that when the fuel light came on, you had about 300 metres and NO more. Also had a Mazda Proceed and put an angled door toolbox on the back that opened upwards. Wanted to test how far with fuel light on and happened to run out after going to the landscape supply place and filling the deck with 40mm crushed rock, right up over the toolbox.where the spare fuel was. Had to dig my way into the box to get to it with bare hands. Yeah, I know.I could have planned that one a bit better.
Apr 9, 4:31am
Sometimes the petrol light doesn't even come on in my Clio. It just decides it would rather be making wine or cheese or maybe its already worked 30 hours this week. Damn frenchies.
Apr 9, 4:43am
yea my mate reckons the same
Apr 9, 4:47am
Same here, I have also found that when you get to 10kms left, it counts it down in single digits! Very scary to have 3kms left till empty and the petrol station is 30kms away. Very stupid of me to leave it that long!
Apr 9, 6:14am
Mums getz goes to --- for the distance left when it gets to 50, and I have not had to try it out to see what it gets.
Apr 9, 4:32pm
so true
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