Worst food to eat while driving

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hollyx_, Apr 11, 3:56am
Ate a kebab tonite what a mess.Dont make the same mistake i made eating at night and leave the kebab in the foil and paper bag.

40wav, Apr 11, 3:58am
I would say the worst would be porrige, or maybe a curry, or something like that. Probably only slightly worse than a kebab though.

xacoon, Apr 11, 3:59am

quickstitch, Apr 11, 4:06am
kina, haggist, blue vein cheese.

skin1235, Apr 11, 4:08am
good ole servo nuked pie, feels cool to the touch until you've got a gob full, then it is nuclear, and theres nowhere to drop it cos theres only your lap don there, and no way is that getting a scalding gob full of pie chucked at it

40wav, Apr 11, 4:09am
Hah! Who the hell eats these things while driving!

roys351, Apr 11, 4:10am
even worse when you are wearing shorts

skin1235, Apr 11, 4:13am
and although you have a bottle of cold coke you're approaching a set of lights and they're still green - and the cokes not open yet - or the window
damm those things are hot when you least expect it!

40wav, Apr 11, 4:13am
Or no pants at all.

xacoon, Apr 11, 4:20am
free and easy, only way to roll

40wav, Apr 11, 4:26am
Just watch out for vinyl seats in the sun.

roys351, Apr 11, 4:32am
oh my thats a bit disturbing i love my car but not in that way

roys351, Apr 11, 4:36am
xa xb xc xd after that no one knows the pain of hot vinyl

xacoon, Apr 11, 4:36am
gives the pressed ham a little crackling.

skin1235, Apr 11, 4:37am
hair still refuses to grow on the back of my thighs


next1eve11, Apr 11, 4:44am
Buttered chicken in takeaway containers, even parked up i make a mess.

trogedon, Apr 11, 6:21am
I bought KFC one night in September 1995. I was driving my MGBGT and trying to manage the slimy half cooked chicken at the same time. That was the last time I even entered a KFC let alone eat that muck.

bent_ate, Apr 11, 8:33am
with chopsticks

koriemouse, Apr 11, 11:37am

autocars1, Apr 11, 2:15pm
A hot pie.that slops down your down and burns your whatzit! Makes for a wobbly drive.

dingo011, Apr 11, 3:26pm
Nachos will beef mince, sour cream, and stringy hot cheese!

sifty, Apr 11, 3:37pm

girlracer2005, Apr 11, 3:46pm
ice cream

mrfxit, Apr 11, 4:02pm
LMFAO uuuummmm yea or it's super stormy that night & THAT side being YOUR side is where the storm is blowing on to when you do get the window down.

(can't imagine how I would have known that bit)

mrfxit, Apr 11, 4:04pm
Muff said on that subject ;-)

Altho somebody got caught last year (I think) for having sex while driving on the jaffaland motorway