Never used them personally but friends have. I'll ask around tomorrow for you.
Apr 6, 1:31pm
i had a set on my van, they were OK in the dry but absolutely terrible in the wet. couldnt maintain any traction under power in the wet.
Apr 7, 3:22am
read - i've seen them on other road users cars
Apr 7, 3:25am
Why don't you read, I don't see whats wrong with what I said. Has for the tyres them self they are crap so I'm told dangerous in the wet so I'm told a mate has them on his hiace van.
Apr 7, 4:14am
so why the need to ask around tomorrow! do you have loads of mates with these crap tyres on their cars! surely you johnny would have advised these mates of yours (read other road users) thoroughly of their poor judgement (read wank on again again dribble dribble I am a hino, I know it all)
Apr 7, 4:18am
Well I can't comment on the tyres can I! if I have never personally used them now can I. I was just trying to help out the OP I went to the trouble to aska friend who once had the tyres now longer does, has a good human being and you want to attack me for it.
Only one use to have them because I remember seeing them when I fixed his over heating issues. What the heck has poor judgement got to with it I don't know if you trying to personally attack or what. But all I am doing is helping. Sure is a lot of dribble being posted when all I was doing was giviing the op an answer and went to the trouble of asking on his behalf of what they are like, but if you to be sick then good for you.
Apr 7, 4:23am
are you trying to wind me up johnny!
Apr 7, 4:23am
Well I just do not see what the issues is with helping and going to the trouble to get advice for the OP.
Minerva tyres are supposed to be a midrange tyre and have been around since the mid nineties.My wife had a set of them on her old car (three years ago) and they were perfectly adequate wet and dry wore well and made no more road noise than the premium tyres (all be it worn) that came off it. However they seem to of suddenly becomes VERY cheap??
Jul 10, 1:41am
Save money and take a chance on safety of your beloved family and other road users.
Tyres should be tested by an uniform Eurpean instance before being let into our market for safety sake. They print what ever they want on tyres like "High performance" etc etc.
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