I have a Loncin 124 cc bike i,m trying to fix electrics.Does anyone know where i can get electrics diagram! The bike took "something in the front sproket an smashed pickup off its mount"Now im helping out, Diagram would be great cause im finding cut wires as well .
Mar 20, 3:20am
what do you need to know most the chinese bikes have same wiring colours. black red cdi power, green earth, black white coil, blue yellow pick up, white, yellow charge wires to rectifier. that should be all the wires out of engine that are important. I not sure where ya get wiring info from sometimes you find the occasional one on back of handbook of lifans
Mar 20, 3:29am
Iv identified its got CDI under seat, coil on side, Damaged pick up next to flywheel kill switch on handle bars,, whats confusing me is inside flywheel 5 wires come out 3 are cut and i dont understand if fliwheel is ment to produce a bit of power to trigger CDI,, Im not seeing a rectifier(thing with a few fins i presume!,,,that may well be a missing peice regards the 3 cut wires coming out of fliwheel ,
Mar 20, 3:41am
if it doesnt have batt doesnt need yellow or white wires. black and red provides the power a high ac voltage to cdi around 100v average
Mar 20, 3:50am
Theres no battery,and no rectifier, just 3 spair wires coming out of fliwheel,.mabey the system i have has just ,CDI,coil,flywheel pickup an kill switch! Cauld the above be my system!
Mar 20, 3:56am
yep ya don need batt what colour are the wires that are cut off does the bike go!
Mar 20, 4:41am
Coming from fliwheel green,white,yello are cut at same lenght,,
Mar 20, 2:55pm
green is earth so ya dont need those wires but earth the green one if ya like
Aug 8, 6:16am
Thanks bigfatman1 i,ll go over wires a bit after lunch today,, I,m realy suspect of the pickup at flywheel cause i know ,and can see its taken a wack wen it got pushed forward into flywheel"it then snapped its suport pegs" I,ll go thro things slowly and buy parts wen i,m sure they are stuffed.Other dodgy issue is chinese mounting of CDI is mounted to be splashedby water from back wheel, So wires 1st ,pickup next then CDI.spark plug sparks on my lawnmower,, I do have a multimetre. If i combined a multimetre with a diagram as a last resort i,d be sweet and then blame componant damage,. I,ll go over wires as you described.Thanks for yr desciption,,I,ll scan this thread later this arvo.cheers.
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