Are you aware that this Easter Saturday and Sunday (8th & 9th April) we are having old cars and vehicles taking part in the National Jazz Festival (7-10th April)!
Saturday: Brass and Nickel vehicles (approx pre 1928) Parade with the musicians and then on display in Grey St. for the day.
Sunday: Vehicles over 30 years old (now eligible for Vintage Car Club if 1981 or older) Doing convoy runs and on display in Cliff Rd - Gazebo Picnic - motorbikes - stationary engines - steam !
All with a Jazz background and should be lots of fun.
See facebook VCC JAZZ for info
Jan 30, 3:35am
If ever there was a biographical thread title.
Jan 30, 3:41am
I'll start
Once upon a time there was a broken down Fiat.
Jan 30, 3:48am
Yip, that WOULD be a fairy tale.
Jan 30, 3:50am
it was so sad and lonely. But wait here comes jazz and he.
Jan 30, 3:53am
Yip and apparently it was well maintained. this fairy tale just needs some flying pigs.
Jan 30, 3:56am
Spread enlightenment upon the land, found someone to love, restore it and give it a forever home. (fairytales always have good endings)
Nov 20, 10:09am
and then along came a big ugly multipla and scared all the nice people away
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