Easter 2012 Tauranga - Jazz & Old Vehicles

papamoabeachfr, Jan 30, 3:23am
Hi All,

Are you aware that this Easter Saturday and Sunday (8th & 9th April) we are having old cars and vehicles taking part in the National Jazz Festival (7-10th April)!

Brass and Nickel vehicles (approx pre 1928) Parade with the musicians and then on display in Grey St. for the day.

Vehicles over 30 years old (now eligible for Vintage Car Club if 1981 or older) Doing convoy runs and on display in Cliff Rd - Gazebo Picnic - motorbikes - stationary engines - steam !

All with a Jazz background and should be lots of fun.

See facebook VCC JAZZ for info

thejazzpianoma, Jan 30, 3:35am
If ever there was a biographical thread title.

ralphdog1, Jan 30, 3:41am
I'll start

Once upon a time there was a broken down Fiat.

thejazzpianoma, Jan 30, 3:48am
Yip, that WOULD be a fairy tale.

jmma, Jan 30, 3:50am
it was so sad and lonely.
But wait here comes jazz and he.

thejazzpianoma, Jan 30, 3:53am
Yip and apparently it was well maintained. this fairy tale just needs some flying pigs.

thejazzpianoma, Jan 30, 3:56am
Spread enlightenment upon the land, found someone to love, restore it and give it a forever home. (fairytales always have good endings)

whynot7, Nov 20, 10:09am
and then along came a big ugly multipla and scared all the nice people away