And the continued training every couple of years as new tech is released to keep up with it. Having to wash the cow s***, spew rotting food, oiletc from the vehicle before being able to work on it. Working in the rain / mud on a call out. And the, o hang on. Sorry. Your talking about how hard the lawyers, doc, accountants etc have it, as to why the charge so much. My bad. Sorry. Yea they have it tough alright
Feb 1, 8:56pm
Why dont the garages charge more then !
Feb 1, 9:07pm
because the customers ewants it now,not tomorrow or next week and guess what he probably wants it for nothing because its only occured since the garage did something totally un related to the car.thats right it will be the workshops fault. All ways bloody is.
Feb 1, 10:36pm
Sweet if it was, I did 5 years hard time at Uni, but I'm getting paid nowhere near $120K plus a year!
Feb 1, 10:37pm
+100. Rip-off artists.
Feb 2, 12:05am
get another job then
Feb 2, 1:05am
My mechanic only charges $60 + gst per hour, which is really too cheap, I don't see how he makes any money at all after paying his expenses, tax etc. He works hard too, I live next door to his workshop, is often there til 8pm at night etc.
Feb 2, 1:08am
so you know what his missus is like too - they can be a damn good reason to be still at the 'yard' til way later than 8 o'clock, the worse they are, the later we go home
Feb 2, 1:17am
Cause when you murder (sorry, allegedly murder) someone you needs a lawyer, when ya car breaks you can walk. But ive seen what mechanics do sometimes whilst charging out the hourly rate regardless even if they are gass bagging to any half pie good looking sales staff or even not good looking ones for that matter. And some dont want to talk so as to get back to job because its costing the customer.
Feb 2, 1:45am
Anybody can charge what they like. Its up to us to shop smart.
Feb 2, 3:06am
To true and your only worth what soneone wants to pay. Try being your own lawyeryet wifh a few tools youd have a better shot at fixing your own car aganst defendingyour self on a murder wrap
Feb 2, 3:21am
Fphhhhhhhhhh. $100 an hour is peanuts. Whats the most poster 1's made an hour! $6 bucks on a paper run would be my guess. And you guys fell for the wind-up.(Read the first post again, obviously a school kid) LOL. again.
Feb 2, 4:23am
LMAO, I wouldn't count on it.You'd be amazed at how inept some people can be and how seemingly simple repairs turn into epic DIY disasters that provide immensely amusing smoko room discussions on monday mornings at the local greasery.These people that attempt to do things like cambelts or even heads without knowing what they are doing or even having basic info like torque specs before they start are a good example.
Feb 2, 12:26pm
Murder, WTF. Goto the extreme much! so a lawyer charging what they charge for signing up a house or dentist for a yearly check up, is alright compared to someone who keeps your car safe to min the risk of crashing & dying.
Feb 2, 12:31pm
Stop killing people. Sorry. allegedly killing people then :) Some people in the trade aren't good, but i would like to think that the bad number alot less than bad lawyers, and there are some good lawyers, docs, accounts etc out there as well
Feb 2, 5:16pm
Booze make some people angry, give it up, on all your assumptions you totally FAIL.
For everybody else thanks for your feedback.
Feb 2, 6:30pm
I watch a garagedo a front pad change on a carwhile I was wiring up hishoist ,took him 2 hoursmost of it on mobile phoneorganisingjobs,.wonder if customer paid for that
Feb 2, 10:43pm
Simple answer is that garages can charge whatever they want.If customers think it is overpriced, they stop going there and the garage goes bust.If the customers are happy with what they are charged they keep coming back.
There is absolutely no restriction outside what the customer will accept.
Feb 3, 12:22am
It's quite easy really. Take a stab at what you consider a mechanic/tradesman should earn annually. Divide that by 2000 and you have what should be the hourly pay rate. Multiply that pay rate by 3, and you have a fair hourly charge-out rate.
What are your answers!
Feb 3, 9:59am
Thats it put very nicely.
Feb 3, 1:33pm
don't you mean divide by 3!
Feb 3, 1:59pm
$65 an hour.
Feb 3, 2:05pm
No.What he means is that once you believe you have the wage rate, you multiply by three to cover all overheads. As a rough guide, it isn't far off. Any self employed tradesman who charges less than $60 an hour is kidding himself - which is why so many go out of business so quickly.
Feb 6, 11:41pm
So you are saying a tradesman is worth just over 43K per year. Cheers for that great vote.
You're on the button socram. When one sets the hourly rate first, then the Indians should only ever be able to get 1/3 of that.
Feb 7, 12:57am
no ususally this is because the customer asks when to drop it in and they are told to expect 1.5 hours labour. next thing they are there at nine and they want to pick it up at 10.30. in small workshops there usually isnt one person dedicated to dealing with customers while the techs work so the techs get interupted with phone calls, customers coming in and wanting advise, people coming in for a quick bulb/ fuse/ wiperblades. some times jobs dont pan out like they should for various reasons this all adds to to the delay in the 9 oclock job, look at the clock its now 10, you have done stuff all and its smoko. have a coffee, next minute the customers back at 10.15 wanting thier carthinking they would come back early cos the techs morning has gone smoothly. your better off to tell the customer to leave it with ya and you will sort it out and give them a call when its done. it maybe there for 4 hours doesnt mean you will be charged this as 99.9% of humans have a consience
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